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HB und SP
HB und FN
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HB und NN

 Ausgewählte Texte aus Briefen und E-Briefen



HB und SP (S. P.)

07.01.2015, 20:52

Hallo, Herr Unbekannter (S. P.).


Ich möchte Sie noch einmal darauf hinweisen, daß die Kulturen, um die es in meinem „Fehlgeburten“-Text (**) geht, keine Nationen sind, sondern größere Einheiten - es sind 8 an der Zahl: (1) Mesopotamien/Sumer/Babylon/Altpersien, (2) Ägypten/Nil bzw. Nordostafrika, südöstliches Mittelmeer, (3) Südasien (Indien/Indus), (4) Ostasien (China/Japan), (5) apollinische Antike, (6) Maya/Inka (Altamerika), (7) Persien/Arabien (magische Kultur) und (8) Abendland (faustische Kultur). Es sind größere „Immunitätsmonaden“, wenn Sie so wollen, und haben mit Nationen nur indirekt zu tun. Die Slawen oder zumindest die Ostslawen (daher: „Russen“, obwohl auch die Ukrainer und Weißrussen zu den Ostslawen gehören) fehlen hier, und deshalb waren oder sind bestimmte Kulturphilosophen und Kulturwissenschaftler der Meinung, daß Ostslawien bzw. „Rußland“ die 9. Kultur werden könnte. Vielleicht sollten Sie zunächst einmal versuchen, die Kulturtheorien, besonders die des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts zu verstehen, genauer gesagt: Versuchen Sie zuallererst, bestimmte Bücher darüber zu lesen, am besten die Originalwerke.

Vielleicht hätte ich die von mir in meinen einschlägigen Texten thematisierte „russische Kultur“ lieber „slawische Kultur“ oder „ostslawische Kultur“ nennen sollen, damit mehr Menschen - also auch Sie - verstehen können, daß ich nicht die „russische Kultur“ meine („Nation“ ist ohnehin ein rein abendländischer Begriff), sondern geographische, genauer kulturgeographische bzw. geistes-, seelen- religionsgemeinschaftliche Kultureinheiten einer bestimmten Landschaft, gewissermaßen Gegenden mit einheitlichen „Übungen“ (Peter Sloterdijk) aufgrund einheitlicher Landschaft und daher einheitlicher Geistes- und Seelengemeinschaft. Verstehen sie, was ich meine? Die Weiten Rußlands bzw. Ostslawiens, die Ebenen Rußlands bzw. Ostslawiens sind gemeint; aus ihnen gehen bestimmte Mentalitäten hervor, die sich von anderen Landschaften und Geistes-/Seelenkörper signifikant unterscheiden - das hat z.B. überhaupt nichts mit dem Begriff „Nation“ zu tun, der rein abendländisch und vergleichbar (vergleichbar, aber nicht identisch!) mit den antiken „Stadtstaten“ („Poleis“) ist.

Die Frage ist also, ob es in Zukunft möglich ist, daß eine solche 9. Kultur entsteht. Es wäre zu begrüßen. Aber sie kann mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit nur dort entstehen, wo eine Landschaft und die dazugehörigen Menschen noch nicht so sehr von anderen Kulturen geformt und ggf. verformt worden sind, und das war und ist in den weiten Ebenen Ostslawiens weitgehend der Fall.

Das, was hier mit „Kultur“ gemeint ist, ist etwas anderes als das, was Sie und die meisten heutigen Abendländer (weil sie dekadent geworden sind) unter „Kultur“ verstehen. Eine neue Kultur, also eine neunte Kultur, täte uns allen gut, aber ich glaube eher, daß sie nicht entstehen wird, und deshalb nenne ich diese Kultur, die hätte „zur Welt kommen“ können, aber nicht „zur Welt kam“ eine „abgetriebene Kultur“ oder „Fehlgeburt“ u.s.w.. Sie so zu nennen, soll die Dramatik, die damit verbunden ist, verdeutlichen (sonst nichts!). Wenn keine neue Kultur mehr kommen wird, werden wir Menschen wahrscheinlich bald von diesem Globus verschwinden.

Wie Sie spätestens jetzt gesehen haben müssen, bin ich also alles andere als ein Russen- oder Rußlandfeind.

Freundliche Grüße.



HB und FN (Fabian Nix)

09.01.2015, 20:46

Hallo, Fabian.

Unter der Bedingung, daß mein vollständiger Name oder meine vollständige Internetadresse auf dem Bild zu erkennen ist, gebe ich die Erlaubnis - sonst nicht. **

Freundliche Grüße und viel Glück und Freude bei der Erstellung der Facharbeit.



HB und EB (Elisabeth Becker-Schmollmann)

16.01.2015, 12:58

Guten Tag, Frau Becker-Schmollmann.

Danke für Ihre Antwort in Ihrem Gästebuch. **

Ich bin auf Ihre Webseiten durch einen Eintrag in mein Gästebuuch aufmerksam gemacht worden und habe gleich reagiert. Ich zitiere meinen Kommentar:

„Danke für Deinen Gästebuch-Eintrag, Hans-Werner.

** Lisartgalerie.de **
Wachstum der Sonnenblumenkerne
Die Sonnenblumenkerne wachsen kreisförmig
um den Mittelpunkt der Sonnenblume. Zwei in
ihrer Entwicklung aufeinander folgende Kerne
teilen den Umfang dabei im Goldenen-Schnitt-
Verhältnis. Der Winkel zwischen ihnen beträgt
also: 222,49...° bzw. 137.51...° (Summe 360°)..

Die von Dir angesprochene Hypothese, daß der Aufbau des Universums dem Fibonacci-Prinzip folgt, ist interessant, aber nicht wirklich neu, wie die Webseite der Lisartgalerie (**) suggeriert. Es gibt z.B. ein mir sehr gut bekanntes - englischsprachiges - Webforum, in dem diese Hypothese immer wieder diskutiert wird. Da ja auch Du der englischen Sprache mächtig genug bist, könnte jenes Webforum auch für Dich interessant sein (**|**).
Dennoch bleiben Zahlen und nur aus ihnen abgeleitete Prinzipien zunächst einmal nur Zahlen und nur aus ihnen abgeleitete Prinzipien. Es muß die Beobachtung hinzukommen, damit man zu einer naturwissenschaftlichen Aussage kommen kann. Nun ist es aber leider so, daß wir Menschen zwar relativ gute Beobachter sind, aber wissen, daß wir bessere Beobachter sein müssen, um über bestimmte Phänomene auch objektiv - sprich: wissenschaftlich - urteilen zu können. Wenn wir ehrlich sind, dann müssen wir zugeben, daß wir nicht sehr viel über das Universum wissen, denn viele Beobachtungen stützen sich mittlerweile mehr auf ganz bestimmte Theorien oder gar Theologien und haben mit wissenschaftlicher Praxis nur noch wenig zu tun - außer in den Fällen, in denen sie sich nur auf die Mathematik stützen: doch wenn sie sich nur auf die Mathamtik stützen, dann fehlt ihnen ebenfalls das empirische, auf Beobachtung sich stützende Element, das unersetzlich ist, besonders für die Physik. Immerhin können wir viele unserer Aussagen über unsere unmittelbare kosmische Nähe auf zuverlässige Beobachtungen stützen. Leider spielen jedoch selbst bei diesem Thema Machtkämpfe eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle. Der „Urknall“-Theorie gegenüber bin ich skeptisch, aber schon an den bei der Lisartgalerie (**) zu sehenden Abbildungen (eine davon ist rechts zu sehen) läßt sich erkennen, daß auch hier der „Urknall“ und die explosionsartig einsetzende „Expansion“ des Universums als Voraussetzungen akzeptiert sind. Es kann aber sein, daß es einen solchen „Anfang“ gar nicht gegeben hat - und wenn doch, so drängt sich sogleich die Frage auf, was vor diesem Anfang war. Auch ein ewiges Universum ist möglich - nur wäre das jedoch für die Physiker sehr unbefriedigend, weil sie dann weniger Geld für ihre Forschungen bekämen.

Des weiteren gilt den Physikern die Gravitation immer noch als „die Göttin des Universums schlechthin“, während die physikalischen Ursachen für den Aufbau des Universums nach dem Fibonacci-Prinzip im Elektromagnetismus zu suchen sind, obwohl man auch in dem Fall sich nicht sicher sein kann, „die richtige Göttin des Universums“ gefunden zu haben. Vielleicht muß man sogar nach völlig anderen Ursachen suchen. In dem von mir bereits erwähnten englischsprachigen Webforum z.B. wird eine Ontologie der Affektanz vorgestellt, gemäß der alles auf „Affektanz“ zurückgeht (**|**), alle und jede Existenz das ist, was Affekt hat (**). Ich bin zwar sowohl dieser Affektanz-Ontologie als auch dem von Dir angesprochenen Fibonacci-System gegenüber offen eingestellt, denn ich gehe sowohl bei meiner Natur- als auch bei meiner Kultuphilosophie bekanntlich von Affekten und insbesondere von Spiralen aus; aber es gibt daneben noch weitere Prinzipien und Formen, die für eine komplette Philosophie oder Wissenschaft bedeutsam sind. Ich kann Deine Frage nach der Schlüssigkeit der Hypothese vom Aufbau des Universums nach dem Fibonacci-Prinzip also nur auf relativierte Weise beantworten. Meine Antwort hat nichts damit zu tun, daß diese Hypothese gegenwärtig nicht akzeptiert wird, obwohl die Urknall-Hypothese nicht plausibler ist; meine Antwort hat damit zu tum, daß es höchstwahrscheinlich mehrere Prinzipien gibt, die im Universum wirksam sind, wodurch die Aussage, daß das Universum nach dem Fibonacci-Prinzip aufgebaut ist, von mir relativiert, aber nicht verneint wird. Wir sehen ja in unserer unmittelbaren Umgebung, daß vieles nach dem Fibonacci-Prinzip aufgebaut ist. Warum also soll nicht auch vieles im restlichen Univerum danach aufgebaut sein? Dennoch halte ich es aus den eben genannten Gründen für eher unwahrscheinlich, daß das gesamte Universum nur danach aufgebaut ist.“ **



16.01.2015, 21:07

(Hier schreibt die Verfasserin der Hypothese. Der Eintrag in deinem Gästebuch war ja von meinem Mann.)

Guten Tag, Herr Brune,

Oder sind auch wir zwei per-Du? Wenn es dir oder Ihnen recht ist ...

Dass das Wort „Fibonacci“ davor steht, dürfte irreführend sein. Das hat nicht die Priorität. Sondern das Stabmagnetsystem in Verbindung mit Hyperkugel und Innenkugel, mit zwei Monopole-Universums-Anteilen, die sich zusätzlich oder gleichzeitig als Stabmagnete erweisen, oder die ins Feld geführte »neue« Groß-Gravitation bzw. Anti-Klein-Gravitation (wie Antimaterie von Materie) von außen kommend, wodurch die dunkle Energie- und die dunkle Materie-Optionen nicht mehr benötigt werden. Ich habe, glaube ich, alle 4 Kräfte unter einen Hut gebracht. Oder siehst du das nicht so? Jedenfalls bin ich total gesund neugierig auf deine Ausführungen auf deinen Seiten. Denn ich habe ja erst angefangen zu lesen. Und noch was, die Art wie du schreibst, fand ich angenehm, es tat also nichts irgendwie weh oder klang auch nicht abwertend, wie ich es vor Jahren als mal im Netz so erfahren habe. Denn ich bin ja in dem Fach Physik selbst, absolut ungebildet, kenne keine einzige Formel usw. Alles in der Hypothese kam mir per Intuition oder gem. dem, was ich vom Fernsehen oder von meinem Mann her kenne, wenn er mir mal etwas erzählt, was er gelesen hat in seinen schlauen Büchern.

Ja gut, mein Vater galt als ein Mathegenie, als Erfinder und wurde in Physik ausgezeichnet, aber da hätte ich höchstens von seinen Genen etwas mitbekommen. Denn bis vor kurzem wusste ich nicht einmal etwas davon, was magnetischer Nordpol oder Südpol oder Monopol bewirken usw. Bei mir ist es so, dass ich morgens mit Intuitionen und Erkenntnissen aufwache, dann den Tag über mich kreativ, empirisch damit befasse, und erst Tage später im Netz manchmal zufällig entdecke, dass es so richtig war, was mir in den Sinn kam oder dass es das oder das schon gibt bzw. noch nicht gibt.

Was ich gestern als Einleitung erst neu aktuellisiert habe, bringt das Wesentliche etwas deutlicher hervor, auch ist eine neue Grafik hinzu gekommen. Doch die Hypothese entwickle ich alle paar Tage sowieso weiter und höre gut auf das, was Andere meinen, dass es nicht passt. Das Einstein-Bose-Kondensat vor dem Barkhausen-Sprung ist z. B. etwas, was einer meiner Kritiker meint, würde nicht passen, ansonsten aber sei die Hypothese nachvolliehbar. Ich bin also sehr interessiert an Gegenargumenten. Denn damit kann ich erst richtig etwas anfangen.

Was aber das Expandieren betrifft gem. meiner Hypothese, wie du es meinem Mann geschrieben hast, da formuliere ich etwas anderes, nämlich dass das Universum zyklisch immer wieder nach seinem Ende kollabiert und dann expandiert. Doch was jeweils davor und dann davor usw war, darüber erlaube ich mir keine Überlegungen mehr, das ist zu heilig für mich, will ich nicht antasten. Ich schreibe somit nur vom Aufbau, wie ich ihn vermute, nicht aber von der Entstehung.

Meine Hypothese zum Aufbau unseres beobachtbaren Universum beschreibt ein, - auf Hyperkugel und Innenkugel bezogen -, radialsymmetrisch verlaufendes Stabmagneten-System einerseits.

Es handelt sich ferner um ein in dieses Stabmagneten-System integriertes Kegel-in Kugel-System innerhalb mehrerer Instanzen, ähnlich dem Prinzip der russischen Puppen. Der Erste-Instanz-Kegel (innerhalb des Innenkugelsystems) entspricht dem Radius unseres beobachtbaren Universum, also der Innenkugel; der Zweite-Instanz-Kegel entspricht dem Radius der Zweite-Instanz-Kugel innerhalb des Erst-Instanz-Kegels/oder Trichters; der Dritte-Instanz-Kegel entspricht dem Radius der Dritten-Instanz-Kugel innerhalb des Zweiten-Instanz-Kegels usw. sich fortsetzend bis evtl. in die Größe von Atomen. Die Hyperkugel als die gravitativ schwerere Kugelart (grün) weißt den Charakter und das Verhalten von negativ-geladenen Magnetischen Monopolen auf, die Innenkugel (rot) den von positiv-geladenen (siehe hierzu u. a. speziell Bild: 1 c).

Das in meiner Hypothese geschlossene Universum mit es umgebender Hyperkugel korrigiert automatisch die bisherige Annahme, dass sich im Falle eines geschlossenen Universums die Expansion verlangsamen müsse wegen der ebenfalls bisher dafür angeblich verantwortlichen Gravitation. Dem wäre auch so, wenn da nicht meine Groß-Gravitation aus der Hyperkugel stammend wäre. Denn diese zieht von außen all das, was in der Innenkugel am Expandieren ist, heißt, die Expansion wird sogar durch die außen anziehende Kraft beschleunigt. Gut, oder? Bitte korrigieren Sie bitte dennoch meinen evtl. Denkfehler an dieser Stelle und schreiben mir bitte.

Die von mir postulierte Größe eines einzelnen dieser wie Bild 1 a) zeigt, unzählig vielen Stabmagnete, möge Sie hoffentlich nicht erschrecken:
Stabmagnet Ø
Atomumfang x Durchmesser von Hyperkugel plus Innenkugel
Stabmagnet Ø
Elektronenumfang x Durchmesser von Hyperkugel plus Innenkugel

Supraleitender Natur sind innerhalb Innenkugel und Hyperkugel die in den Grafiken gezeigten Kegel-Zwischenräume (Laufräume), mit dem Effekt der Erzeugung des Drehimpulses, der wiederum dort verusacht wird, wo alle Erste-Instanz-Kegelspitzen (rot/positiv geladen und einander abstoßend zu einem Dreh-Arrangement gezwungen) zusammen geführt sind.
(siehe Bild 1 b).

Falls du wenige Zeit für solche Austausche wie mit mir hättest oder auch wenig Interesse, wäre es okay für mich. Dass du mir geantwortet hast, bzw. auch meinem Mann, darüber habe ich mich sowieso schon sehr gefreut und werde über deine angeführten Aspekte weiterhin nachdenken ....

Herzlichen Gruß



18.01.2015, 13:02

Eigentlich duze ich lieber nicht so schnell, aber dennoch bin ich in diesem Fall damit einverstanden:

Hallo, Elisabeth.

Danke für Deine Antwort.

Da, wo ich Dich zitiere, erscheint im folgenden Text das Zitat in grauer Farbe. Ich beginne sogleich mit einem Zitat:

„Ich habe, glaube ich, alle 4 Kräfte unter einen Hut gebracht. Oder siehst du das nicht so?“ **

Du meinst die 4 Grundkräfte oder Naturkräfte, die man auch Wechselwirkungen nennt. Aber wer diese 4 Wechselwirkungen „unter einen Hut gebracht“ hat, geht quasi von der „Großen Vereinheitlichten Theorie“ aus, gemäß der alle 4 Wechselwirkungen am Anfang (!) vereinigt waren und sich danach voneinander getrennt haben. Oder hast Du mit „unter einen Hut gebracht“ etwas anderes gemeint? Falls Du es so gemeint hast, wie ich es zunächst interpretiert habe, dann hättest Du Dich quasi unwissentlich doch mit dem Anfang des Universums beschäftigt. Das steht aber im Widerspruch zu dem, was Du sonst noch geschrieben hast:

„Was aber das Expandieren betrifft gem. meiner Hypothese, wie du es meinem Mann geschrieben hast, da formuliere ich etwas anderes, nämlich dass das Universum zyklisch immer wieder nach seinem Ende kollabiert und dann expandiert. Doch was jeweils davor und dann davor usw war, darüber erlaube ich mir keine Überlegungen mehr, das ist zu heilig für mich, will ich nicht antasten. Ich schreibe somit nur vom Aufbau, wie ich ihn vermute, nicht aber von der Entstehung.“ **

Wenn man die 4 Wechselwirkungen als einheitlich gewesene und danach sich abspaltende Wechselwirkungen gemäß der „Großen Vereinheitlichten Theorie“ versteht, dann akzeptiert man eine der Theorien über den Anfang des Universums.

Die Theorie über ein zyklisches Universum ist interessant und kommt vielen meiner Überlegungen und Hypothesen, ja vielleicht meiner Theorie über das Universum insgesamt, man könnte sie auch eine (Art der) Naturphilosophie nennen, sehr entgegen. Ich gehe jedoch nicht davon aus, halte es aber für möglich und mich dennoch mit Spekulationen darüber im Internet eher zurück, daß das Universum zyklisch immer wieder nach seinem Ende kollabiert. Denn auch hier beschäftigt man sich bereits mit dem Anfang, auch wenn man es nicht will und sogar sagen kann: „Ja, Moment einmal, das Universum hat doch gar keinen Anfang, weil es zyklisch kommt und geht“. Auch dann, wenn man den Anfang verneint, hat man sich mit ihm - zumindest gedanklich - beschäftigt.

Ich tue gedanklich etwas anderes. In meiner Theorie sind Anfang und Ende des Universums gedanklich wirklich nicht berücksichtigt. Ich gehe zwar trotzdem auf meinen Internetseiten auch auf das Thema „Anfang und Ende des Universums“ ein; doch in dem Fall tue ich das nur, weil ich meine Internetseiten auch als Enzyklopädie verstehe. In meiner Theorie selbst sind sie nicht berücksichtigt, weil Anfang und Ende des Universums wahrscheinlich nicht verifizierbar und im Umkehrschluß wahrscheinlich auch nicht falsifizierbar sind. Deshalb beschränke ich mich bei meiner offiziellen Theorie auf unsere kosmische Nähe.

Ich zitiere mich selbst (übrigens aus dem neuen Gästebuch):

„Die Umläufe sowohl der Monde um ihre Planeten als auch der Planeten um ihre Sterne, ja sogar der Sterne um ihr galaktisches Zentrum beschreiben eindeutig keine Kreise oder Ellipsen, sondern Spiralen. Während z.B. unsere Sonne das Zentrum unserer Galaxis spiralförmig umläuft, umläuft unsere Erde die Sonne ebenfalls spiralförmig und wird dabei noch von unserem Mond spiralförmig umlaufen. Denn Körper, die sich um Körper bewegen, die sich ebenfalls um Körper bewegen, bewegen sich nicht auf zwei-, sondern auf dreidimensionale Art. Sie bewegen sich nämlich spiralförmig und also auch zyklisch, genauer gesagt: spiralzyklisch. Nur dann, wenn sich um jenen Körper oder Punkt bewegt wird, der sich nicht um einen anderen Körper oder Punkt bewegt und auch nicht auf eine andere Art durch äußere Kräfte bewegt wird, kann diese (und nur diese) Bewegung zweidimensionaler Art sein.  –  Die Geologie liefert ebenfalls Erkenntnisse über zyklische, genauer spiralzyklische Entwicklungen. Als Beispiele seien hier die Zyklen der Kontinenalverschiebung (**), der Geotektonik (**) und der Geomagmatik (**) genannt.  –  Wenn morgen eine Naturkatastrophe globalen Ausmaßes geschehen und in deren Folge fast alle biologischen Arten aussterben würden, dann würden unter der Voraussetzung, daß unsere Sonne weiterhin unserer Erde Energie liefern wird und die Naturkatastrophen weder häufiger noch stärker als vorher sein werden (**), irgendwann wieder nicht selbige, sehr wahrscheinlich auch nicht gleiche, aber immerhin doch sehr ähnliche Lebewesen auf der Erde erscheinen. Auch ist als biologischer Zyklus das Entstehen, Wachsen, Blühen, Verwelken im Sinne von Auf- und Abbau der Lebewesen zu nennen. Die Biologie liefert also ebenfalls Erkenntnisse über zyklische, genauer spiralzyklische Entwicklungen.“ **

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß auch die Galaxien spiralische Bewegungen vollziehen, ist also nicht gering. Aber selbst das behaupte ich nicht unbedingt, sondern nur im Sinne einer Wahrscheinlichkeit. Ich bin Skeptiker. Jeder Wissenschaftler sollte Skeptiker sein.

Ob aber das Universum selbst einem Zyklus folgt, bleibt - zumindest für mich - eher Spekulation, aber Spekulationen im Sinne von Theoriebildungen sind auch notwendig.

Herzliche Grüße.

Hubert Brune

P.S.) Ist Dir eigentlich die „String“-Theorie bekannt?



18.01.2014, 20:26

Hallo Hubert Brune,

auch dir danke!

„Du meinst die 4 Grundkräfte oder Naturkräfte, die man auch Wechselwirkungen nennt. Aber wer diese 4 Wechselwirkungen „unter einen Hut gebracht“ hat, geht quasi von der »Großen Vereinheitlichten Theorie« aus, gemäß der alle 4 Wechselwirkungen am Anfang (!) vereinigt waren und sich danach voneinander getrennt haben. Oder hast Du mit „unter einen Hut gebracht“ etwas anderes gemeint?“ **

Vielleicht eher meinte ich es so, dass ich alle 4 in eine bestimmte nämlich etwas andere Beziehung zu den übrigen 3 setze, halt durch das Hinzufügen der Hyperkugel mit ihren umgekehrten Vorzeichen. Mathematisch würden sich nun evtl. andere Ergebnisse zeitigen oder bis dato bestehende Rätsel auflösen. Also, das kann ich mir zumindest so vorstellen.

„Falls Du es so gemeint hast, wie ich es zunächst interpretiert habe, dann hättest Du Dich quasi unwissentlich doch mit dem Anfang des Universums beschäftigt. Das steht aber im Widerspruch zu dem, was Du sonst noch geschrieben hast:

„Was aber das Expandieren betrifft gem. meiner Hypothese, wie du es meinem Mann geschrieben hast, da formuliere ich etwas anderes, nämlich dass das Universum zyklisch immer wieder nach seinem Ende kollabiert und dann expandiert. Doch was jeweils davor und dann davor usw war, darüber erlaube ich mir keine Überlegungen mehr, das ist zu heilig für mich, will ich nicht antasten. Ich schreibe somit nur vom Aufbau, wie ich ihn vermute, nicht aber von der Entstehung.“ (**).

....“ **

Sehr aufmerksam schlussfolgerst du, ganz im Sinne nach Aristoteles, z. B.. Dennoch sehe ich darin keine Automation. Siehe hierzu den nächsten blauen Abschnitt!

„Wenn man die 4 Wechselwirkungen als einheitlich gewesene und danach sich abspaltende Wechselwirkungen gemäß der »Großen Vereinheitlichten Theorie« versteht, dann akzeptiert man eine der Theorien über den Anfang des Universums.“ **

Sobald man feststellt, dass die menschliche Brust sich zyklisch senkt und hebt, - oder nenne, was auch immer dir als Beispiel in den Sinn kommt, wie du in deinen Zeilen ja auch schon einiges genannt hast -, setzt man ja auch voraus, dass davor ein Anfang war, aus dem heraus sich die Lunge entwickeln konnte. Dieser sei dann da anzusetzen, bevor die Lunge es so zu tun begann, wie sie es tat. Den Vorgang, zyklische Abfolgen zu beschreiben, bzw. anzunehmen, bedeutet m. E. nicht gleichzeitig, dass ich unmittelbar in dieser Nähe den(!) Anfang annehme. Einen(!) Anfang ja.

Wie bei der Lungentätigkeit; davor war jener kleine Mensch noch ohne Lungenfunktion, doch die Lunge selbst war schon entwickelt. Doch zeitlich lag das Vorhandensein dieser Lunge bereits schon weit hinter dem „Anfang“, hinter seinem Anfang, der z. B. ca. 9 Monate davor gewesen sein könnte. Doch ebenso könnte dieser Anfang des Werdegangs speziell dieses Menschen bereits eine Weiterführung von vorher Gewesenem sein usw..

Wenn ich also davon schreibe, das das Universum zyklisch entsteht und vergeht, dann meine ich damit wohl ausschließlich jenen Universums-Abschnitt, um den es aus meiner Sichtweise geht, bzw. unser beobachtbares Universum.

„Die Theorie über ein zyklisches Universum ist interessant und kommt vielen meiner Überlegungen und Hypothesen, ja vielleicht meiner Theorie über das Universum insgesamt, man könnte sie auch eine (Art der) Naturphilosophie nennen, sehr entgegen. Ich gehe jedoch nicht davon aus, halte es aber für möglich und mich dennoch mit Spekulationen darüber im Internet eher zurück, daß das Universum zyklisch immer wieder nach seinem Ende kollabiert.“ **

Das verstehe ich sehr gut, wie du das erklärst und finde deine Einstellung nicht nur gut, sondern echt wissenschaftlich.

„Denn auch hier beschäftigt man sich bereits mit dem Anfang, auch wenn man es nicht will und sogar sagen kann: »Ja, Moment einmal, das Universum hat doch gar keinen Anfang, weil es zyklisch kommt und geht«. Auch dann, wenn man den Anfang verneint, hat man sich mit ihm - zumindest gedanklich - beschäftigt.“ **

An dieser Stelle stand ursprünglich der vorletzte Absatz von oben drüber.

„Ich tue gedanklich etwas anderes. In meiner Theorie sind Anfang und Ende des Universums gedanklich wirklich nicht berücksichtigt. Ich gehe zwar trotzdem auf meinen Internetseiten auch auf das Thema „Anfang und Ende des Universums“ ein; doch in dem Fall tue ich das nur, weil ich meine Internetseiten auch als Enzyklopädie verstehe. In meiner Theorie selbst sind sie nicht berücksichtigt, weil Anfang und Ende des Universums wahrscheinlich nicht verifizierbar und im Umkehrschluß wahrscheinlich auch nicht falsifizierbar sind. Deshalb beschränke ich mich bei meiner offiziellen Theorie auf unsere kosmische Nähe.

Ich zitiere mich selbst (übrigens aus dem neuen Gästebuch):


»Die Umläufe sowohl der Monde um ihre Planeten als auch der Planeten um ihre Sterne, ja sogar der Sterne um ihr galaktisches Zentrum beschreiben eindeutig keine Kreise oder Ellipsen, sondern Spiralen. Während z.B. unsere Sonne das Zentrum unserer Galaxis spiralförmig umläuft, umläuft unsere Erde die Sonne ebenfalls spiralförmig und wird dabei noch von unserem Mond spiralförmig umlaufen. Denn Körper, die sich um Körper bewegen, die sich ebenfalls um Körper bewegen, bewegen sich nicht auf zwei-, sondern auf dreidimensionale Art. Sie bewegen sich nämlich spiralförmig und also auch zyklisch, genauer gesagt: spiralzyklisch. Nur dann, wenn sich um jenen Körper oder Punkt bewegt wird, der sich nicht um einen anderen Körper oder Punkt bewegt und auch nicht auf eine andere Art durch äußere Kräfte bewegt wird, kann diese (und nur diese) Bewegung zweidimensionaler Art sein.  –  Die Geologie liefert ebenfalls Erkenntnisse über zyklische, genauer spiralzyklische Entwicklungen. Als Beispiele seien hier die Zyklen der Kontinenalverschiebung (**), der Geotektonik (**) und der Geomagmatik (**) genannt.  –  Wenn morgen eine Naturkatastrophe globalen Ausmaßes geschehen und in deren Folge fast alle biologischen Arten aussterben würden, dann würden unter der Voraussetzung, daß unsere Sonne weiterhin unserer Erde Energie liefern wird und die Naturkatastrophen weder häufiger noch stärker als vorher sein werden (**), irgendwann wieder nicht selbige, sehr wahrscheinlich auch nicht gleiche, aber immerhin doch sehr ähnliche Lebewesen auf der Erde erscheinen. Auch ist als biologischer Zyklus das Entstehen, Wachsen, Blühen, Verwelken im Sinne von Auf- und Abbau der Lebewesen zu nennen. Die Biologie liefert also ebenfalls Erkenntnisse über zyklische, genauer spiralzyklische Entwicklungen.« (**).“ **

Gut formuliert! So ist es mir auch vertraut, so kenne bzw. verstehe ich es auch. Wenn auch erst seit einigen Monaten. Manches lernte ich durch meinen Mann neu zu sehen. Dann auch teils anhand mancher Youtube-Videos.

Alles, was ist, folgt auf vorausgehende Systeme, auf welche wiederum andere Systeme jeweils folgen oder das ganze mehrdimensional überschneidend oder überlagernd. Das Kreis-Ende findet IMMER den Kreis-Anfang und der Kreis-Anfang automatisch IMMER das Kreis-Ende. Wer allerdings den Kreis oder die Kreise gemacht hat oder erdacht-gemacht, ist das, was ich dann als heilig meine. Doch das Wesen des Kreises oder erhoben ins Drei- oder Mehr-Dimensionale, damit er zur Spirale innoviert, wie du es ja sehr schön beschreibst, erlaube ich mir schon, zu betrachten, um wieder auf den oben von dir angesprochenen Punkt zurück gekommen zu sein. Damit ist nicht automatisch ein Anfang impliziert. Lediglich der Moment, wo oder dass sich Kreis-Ende und Kreis-Anfang automatisch finden, doch nicht, wie erwähnt besteht darin schon der Anfang. Der Anfang, der erst viel später zu dem Gedanken AN den Kreis führt, ist somit u. U. sehr weit von dem entfernt, was anhand des Kreisgeschehens zu beobachten ist.

„Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß auch die Galaxien spiralische Bewegungen vollziehen, ist also nicht gering. Aber selbst das behaupte ich nicht unbedingt, sondern nur im Sinne einer Wahrscheinlichkeit. Ja, genau so! Ich bin Skeptiker. Jeder Wissenschaftler sollte Skeptiker sein.“ **

Ja! Das finde ich gut. Ich ziehe lediglich etwas in Erwägung, doch lehne es ab, etwas zu behaupten. Über jeden Irrtum, den ich bei mir entdecken darf oder jemand bei mir entdeckt, bin ich fast glücklich. Darin empfinde ich meinen Reichtum, der mir etwas bedeutet.

„Ob aber das Universum selbst einem Zyklus folgt, bleibt - zumindest für mich - eher Spekulation, aber Spekulationen im Sinne von Theoriebildungen sind auch notwendig.“ **

„P.S.) Ist Dir eigentlich die »String«-Theorie bekannt?“ **

Ja und nein, nur das, was ich unter der mpi-Seite, auf Wikipedia und ähnlichen Seiten her gelesen habe, ist mir bekannt. Manches aus meiner Hypothese empfinde ich als ähnlich zu ihr. Doch jemandem die String-Theorie richtig erklären könnte ich noch nicht.

Herzliche Grüße auch an dich



19.01.2015, 15:49

Hallo, Elisabeth.

Die Sonne und ihr Umlauf um das galaktische Zentrum
Rund 252 Mio. Jahre braucht die Sonne für ihren Umlauf um das galaktische Zentrum (**).
Die Sonne hat bis heute also wahrscheinlich schon 18 bis 20 Umläufe vollzogen. Ihre Bahn
ist nicht völlig frei von Störungen bzw. Unregelmäßigkeiten. Gefährlich für ihre Planeten
und besonders das Leben auf der Erde sind die alle 63 Mio. Jahre (also 4mal pro
Zentrumsumlauf der Sonne) sich wiederholenden Durchgänge des Sonnensystems durch
das Magnetfeld der Milchstraße.  –  Wieder zugenommen haben die Störungen bzw.
Unregelmäßigkeiten bei den letzten rund 2 bis 2½ Umläufen der Sonne um das
galaktische Zentrum - laut geschätzter Einschlagsrate auf der Erde. Das Sonnensystem
streift alle 63 Mio. Jahre (also 4mal pro Zentrumsumlauf der Sonne **) das Magnetfeld der
Milchstraße, was zu Störungen führt. Das Sonnensystem könnte auch ein Doppelsternsystem
sein, in dem ein Brauner Zwergstern (**|**) die Sonne umkreist und alle 31,5 Mio. Jahre
(also 8mal pro Zentrumsumlauf der Sonne) die Oortsche Wolke (**) durchquert.
Interessanterweise ist der Zyklus von 31,5 Mio. Jahren (also 8mal pro Zentrumsumlauf der
Sonne **) gleich dem Zyklus der Kreuzung der Sonne mit der Ebene der Milchstraße.
Superkontinent Pangäa vor 250 Millionen Jahren.
Erde heute
Kontinente heute.
Erde in 50 Mio. Jahren
Superkontinent Novo-Pangäa in 250 Millionen Jahren.

Es gibt sehr viele Zyklen in der Natur (und also auch in der Kultur), die uns verraten, daß es damit mehr auf sich haben muß, als die derzetiige Wissenschaft, die ja leider immer mehr in Abhängigkeit der Herrschenden gerät, zugeben mag. Ein Beispiel: Der Umlauf der Sonne um das Zentrum der Milchstraße beträgt rd. 250 Millionen Jahre; der geotektonische Zyklus der Kontinentalverschiebung als der Prozeß der Bildung eines Superkontinents und der anschließenden Bildung „verstreuter“ Kontinente (ähnlich wie beim „Ein- und Ausatmen“) beträgt rd. 500 Millionen Jahre, das heißt: rd. 250 Millonen Jahre „hin“ und rd. 250 Millionen Jahre „zurück“. Es ist möglich, daß es einen Zusammenhang zwischen diesen beiden Prozessen gibt. Die Geotektonik hat zwar ihre internen Ursachen in der Erde selbst, nämlich in ihrem heißen Kern, der die Konvektionsströmungen erzeugt, die wiederum die Verschiebungen der Erdplatten erzeugen; doch die Erde wird während ihres spiralzyklischen Umlaufs um die Sonne und um das Zentrum der Milchstraße, um das sich ja das gesamte Sonnensystem dreht, unterschiedlichen Störungen ausgesetzt, und diese Störungen können - zumindest gemäß meiner Theorie - auch die Geotektonik der Erde beeinflussen, wenn sie stark genug sind. Vielleicht ist es aber auch einfach nur Zufall, daß die Dauer dieser beiden Zyklen aufeinander abgestimmt zu sein scheinen. Wenn es aber kein Zufall ist, dann ist es ein weiteres Indiz für die hohe Bedeutung der Spiralzyklizität im Universum, zumindest aber in Galaxien und ganz besonders in Spiralgalaxien. Da sich auch die Umgebungen der Bahn unseres Sonnensystem verändern können, kann man auch nicht sagen, daß sich jeder Umlauf des Sonnensystems um das Zentrum der Milchstraße exakt gleicht, aber man kann sagen, daß sich jeder Umlauf des Sonnensystems um das Zentrum der Milchstraße auf spiralzyklische Weise ähnelt. Unter „Spiralzyklizität“ verstehe ich also die Bewegung eines Körpers, eines Punktes oder eines sonstigen Phänomens, die nicht exakt gleich verläuft, wie es z.B. bei einer Kreisbewegung der Fall ist, sondern ähnlich gleich verläuft, weil sich ja alle an diesem spiralzyklischen Prozeß beteilgten Körper, Punkte oder sonstige Phänomene ständig spiralzyklisch (weiter)bewegen und auf diese Weise nicht immer dieselbe Umgebung durchlaufen (wie z.B. beim Kreisprozeß), aber auch nie eine andere. Der Grund dafür liegt in der Spiralzyklizität selbst. Alle an diesem Prozeß Teilnehmenden können sich ihm nicht entziehen. Man kann die Spiralzyklizität ganz gut mit den Jahreszeiten (**) vergleichen, denn die fallen auch nicht jedes Jahr exakt gleich aus, kehren aber jedes Jahr wieder, weil die Erde mit ihrer geneigten Achse zu diesem taumelnden Umlauf um die Sonne gezwungen ist. Die Erde ist außerdem zu dem Umlauf gezwungen, den die Sonne vollzieht, und die Sonne ist gezwungen, den Umlauf zu nehmen, den ihr das Schwarze Loch im Zentrum der Milchstraße vorschreibt. Wir werden mit mindestens zwei, wahrscheinlich drei oder vielleicht sogar noch mehr Zyklen spiralförmig durch das Weltall geschleudert! (**|**). Wir ändern uns dabei also lediglich auf spiralzyklische Art, und das heißt: nicht so, wie die „Linearisten“ behaupten (**|**). Meine spiralzyklische Theorie widerspricht auch nicht der Mathematik und in der Folge auch nicht der theoretischen Physik, wohl aber der gängigen Praxis der Physiker, also auch derjenigen theoretischen Physiker, für die u.a. der sogenannte „Zeitpfeil“ zu ihren Dogmen gehört, den man aber vor allem theoretisch sehr stark bezweifeln und mathematisch sogar widerlegen kann. Meine Kulturtheorie widerspricht derjenigen abendländischen „Mainstream-Sichtweise“, für die der Zeitpfeil, die Linearität u.ä. „naturgesetzliche Dogmen“ sind, im Grunde ohnehin nicht als ein „Anti“, sondern als ein „Komplement“, denn sie ist ja mit ihr sogar vereinbar. Aber ich wehre mich eben gegen Dogmen, die immer mehr auch in der Naturwissenschaft um sich greifen. Solche Glaubensgrundsätze, die niemand bezweifeln darf, sind für die Wissenschaft unfruchtbar, ja vielleicht sogar selbstmörderisch.

Sauerstoff in der Atmosphäre, Meteoriteneinschläge, totale Verbrennungen und Vereisungen der Erde Sauerstoff in der Atmosphäre, Meteoriteneinschläge, totale Verbrennungen und Vereisungen der Erde Sauerstoff in der Atmosphäre, Meteoriteneinschläge, totale Verbrennungen und Vereisungen der Erde
Es könnte einen direkten Zusammenhang geben zwischen dem Umlauf des Sonnensystems um das Zentrum der Milchstraße, den Meteoriten-
Einschlägen auf der Erde, der Anzahl an Bio-Arten auf der Erde, den Vereisungen auf der Erde und em Sauerstoffgehalt in der Atmosphäre der Erde.

Die Bahn der Sonne verläuft nicht exakt kreisrund und erst recht nicht so „harmlos“ wie z.B. die Bahn die Erde. Beim Umlauf der Sonne um das Zentrum der Milchstraße kann es passieren, daß z.B. benachbarte Sterne dem Sonnensystem nahe kommen und die Kometen der Oortschen Wolke am Rande des Sonnensystems von ihren alten auf neue Bahnen gelenkt werden, die hin und wieder mit der Bahn der Erde kollidieren können. Vermutlich ist so auch zu erklären, warum z.B. die Erde in einer gewissen Zeit eine hohe und in einer anderen gewissen Zeit eine niedrige Einschlagsrate hatte und haben wird. Daß die geschätzte Einschlagsrate vor mehr als 3 Milliarden Jahren durchschnittlich höher war als in den letzten 500 bis 600 Millionen Jahren, braucht uns nicht zu wundern; daß sie aber in den letzten 500 bis 600 Millionen Jahren durchschnittlich höher war als in den 1,7 bis 1,8 Milliarden Jahren zuvor, muß uns schon wundern; und uns wundert auch, daß die Einschlagsrate mit dem Artenzuwachs korreliert. Es scheint so zu sein, daß die Einschläge nicht an sich auf die Erde negativ, sondern dann auch positiv wirken, wenn die zeitlichen und räumlichen Bedingungen dafür günstig sind. Kurzfristig häufige und langfristig seltene Einschläge sind lebensfeindlich.

Die Milchstraße rotiert einerseits und zwingt dadurch alle „Akteure“ ihres Systems, ihr Zentrum zu umkreisen, und sie bewegt sich auch in eine bestimmte Richtung, ob allerdings auf einer Bahn, z.B. sogar auf einer spiralzyklischen Bahn, das weiß ich zwar nicht, vermute es aber. Und hier sind die engsten Berührumngspunkte unserer Theorien, Elisabeth. Du sagst mit Deiner Theorie viel aus über das Universum und seine Galaxien, und ich sage mehr aus über den Planeten Erde, das Sonnensystem, die Milchstraße und, wenn auch in geringerem Ausmaß, über andere Galaxien. Am „Schnittpunkt Galaxien“ könnten wir uns zunächst orientieren, um von da aus in jeweils zwei Richtungen vorstoßen zu können: in Richtung des Ganzen (Universum oder gar Multversum) oder in Richtung des Besonderen (Milchstraße, Sonnensystem, Erde, Leben, Kultur u.s.w.). Ich habe dieses Mal mehr die Richtung des Besonderen berücksichtigt und werde beim nächsten Mal vielleicht mehr die Richtung des Ganzen berücksichtigen. Doch bevor es zu diesem nächsten Mal kommen wird, würde ich gern von Dir erfahren, wie Du darüber denkst.

Liebe Grüße.


19.01.2015, 22:53

Hallo, Elisabeth.

Die Sonne und ihr Umlauf um das galaktische Zentrum Die Sonne und ihr Umlauf um das galaktische Zentrum
  Der Umlauf der Sonne um das Zentrum der Michstraße und das Leben auf der Erde
in der Zeit von vor rd. 500 Millionen Jahren bis vor rd. 250 Millionen Jahren.
Der Umlauf der Sonne um das Zentrum der Michstraße und das Leben auf der Erde
in der Zeit von vor rd. 250 Millionen Jahren bis heute.

Vielleicht macht man sich am besten mit Hilfe von Bildern klar, was es heißt, daß das Sonnensystem für seinen Umlauf um das Zentrum der Milchstraße 250 Millionen Jahre braucht und alle 63 Millionen Jahre (also 4mal pro Zentrumsumlauf) sich wiederholende Durchgänge des Sonnensystems durch das Magnetfeld der Milchstraße vollzieht. Wahrscheinlich markiert der letzte Durchgang des Sonnensystems durch das Magnetfeld der Milchstraße auch den Übergang vom Mesozoikum zum Känozoikum (**|**) - dieser Übergang ist allgemein mehr bekannt unter dem Begriff „Aussterben der Dinosaurier durch eine Naturkatastrophe“ (**|**). In der Abbildung (ganz rechts) ist dieser Übergang durch den Einschlag eines Meteoriten dargestellt, obwohl nicht hundertprozentig gesichert ist, ob er oder eine andere Naturkatstrophe es war, die die Dinosaurier und viele andere Lebewesen zum Aussterben brachte. Wenn man in der Zeit weiter zurückgeht, dann stellt man fest, daß es mehrere kleinere und manchmal größere Katatsrophen gegeben haben muß, weil die Lebenswelt sich tatsächlich in einem Rhythmus geändert hat, der sich im Mittel mit den alle 63 Millionen Jahre (also 4mal pro Zentrumsumlauf) sich wiederholenden Durchgängen des Sonnensystems durch das Magnetfeld der Milchstraße ungefähr deckt; manchmal sind es etwas weniger, manchmal etwas mehr als 63 Millionen Jahre, manchmal fällt der Übergang aus, aber immer ist der Rhythmus in etwa existent; man könnte ihn auch den „63-Millionen-Jahre- Rhythmus“ oder einfacher - wegen der im Mittel kleinsten bedeutenden Dauer einer einheitlichen Lebenswelt - den „21-Millionen-Jahre-Rhythmus“ nennen (vgl. z.B. 21 • 3 = 63; 21 • 6 = 126; 21 • 9 = 186; 21 • 12 = 252). Wie auch immer dieser Rhythmus exakt zu benennen ist und sich ganz genau ereignet hat - Tatsache bleibt doch in jedem Fall, daß es auch diesbezüglich einen Zyklus, genauer einen Spiralzyklus gibt.





A (Arminius [HB]) und O (Orb)

12.03.2015, 01:14

Thank you for your private message.

Orb wrote:

„I am sorry You may be having a tough time here, it will pass, as all things.“

Jr Wells intends to leave or has already left ILP. He and I are quite different, but nevertheless: we both experienced the same situation and reacted in the same way, and that was because of the same cause: somebody did not want to leave us alone. So although we are not very much similar, we reacted similarly, and that alone means already: we were right.

I hope Jr Wells will remain anyway, but he said in a thread he will leave or had already left ILP. James S. Saint has not posted since the 9th of March 2015. That is sad, because I was always happy when he and I had our conversation. You are also one of those persons I like very much, Orb. Thank you for that (being Obe and Orb).

Since September 2014 I have been thinking sometimes that it would be better to leave ILP or at least to reduce my ILP posts. In September 2014 I told James S. Saint that I intended to reduce my ILP posts, and then his reaction told me that he felt offended. I reduced my ILP posts anyway, but not as much as I had intended before.

Like I said in several threads: There are merely about 12,5% (1/8) of the ILP members who are really interested in philosophy. The others have other interests. So this "tough time" you mentioned could be a trigger for leaving ILP. But the real reason for me would be, if James S. Saint or/and other persons I like very much would not post anymore.

Orb wrote:

„We have some pretty sensitive people here, maybe overly so.“

That's true, Orb, and they are not interested in philosophy or something similar but merely in (for example) fun, gossip, lies, or just nothing. And most of them can even not leave the others alone.

Orb wrote:

„We have some pretty sensitive people here, maybe overly so.“

Is that with your memory because of your age or what?




A (Arminius [HB]) und C (Carleas)

27.04.2015, 22:35

Hello, Carleas.

I wonder wether there can be an identification with ILP, if ILP tolerates or even accepts pedophiles.



28.04.2015, 16:28

I don't know what you mean by an 'identification'. ILP tolerates the academic discussion of any topic. We don't tolerate descriptions or depictions of pedophilia, but we would allow the philosophical discussion or even the advocacy of pedophilia.

That said, moderators and other users tend to despise people advocating pedophilia, and topics can get out of hand quickly. Such discussions will be heavily moderated.


28.04.2015, 17:10

I (and many, many other ILP members too) do not want ILP to tolerate or even accept pedophilia, a complete misuse of children. ILP and other philosophy forum are public institutions, and therefore they have a responsibility.

It is clear what e.g. the ILP member David 8 says and „likes“. This is his/her avatar:


And this is his/her signature:


No „discussion“ needed.

See also e.g. his/her thread: „DSM V: pedo not necessarily harmful; sexual orientation“.


28.04.2015, 21:45

But this is philosophy, Arminius. Some of the most famous treatises deal with questions about when it's acceptable to take a life, balancing of lives (including the lives of innocent children), when and how genetic manipulation or torture or any number of awful things are justifiable.

When we're talking within a discipline like that, we can't simply rule out whole topics because we find them icky. It isn't a matter of popularity or social acceptability, it's a matter of whether it's a question of morality. And it is.


29.04.2015, 17:02

I know what philosophy is. But philosophy is embedded in culture. We are not living on a moon in a foreign universe where nothing is known.

This man/woman (David 8) does not philosophise and not want to philosophise, and he/she is just one exmple amongst some others.

Would you stick to your statements, if many ILP members left ILP?

Perhaps you now know what I meant with „identification“ ....


29.04.2015, 17:29

But philosophy must take a step back from culture and ask why certain cultural practices are followed. We need to preserve the freedom to ask even difficult and ugly questions. In a sense, we are are living in a universe in which nothing is known: philosophers have argued exactly that for centuries. Look at the tradition of skepticism that runs through philosophy from the time of Socrates. We can't take anything for granted, and we can't rule out an argument because we find its conclusion reprehensible. That's irrational, it's fallacious, it's anti-philosophical.

I will stick to this position if it means we lose members; I have done so in the past. This site does not exist to please the masses, it exists to allow for the discussion and dissection of ideas.

And no, I still don't know what you mean by identification. Please elaborate.


29.04.2015, 20:04

Carleas wrote:

„But philosophy must take a step back from culture and ask why certain cultural practices are followed. We need to preserve the freedom to ask even difficult and ugly questions.“

We need to protect the freedom of our children in order to ensure that they can also philosophise and .e.g. „take a step back from culture and ask why certain cultural practices are followed“.

Carleas wrote:

„In a sense, we are are living in a universe in which nothing is known: philosophers have argued exactly that for centuries. Look at the tradition of skepticism that runs through philosophy from the time of Socrates. We can't take anything for granted, and we can't rule out an argument because we find its conclusion reprehensible. That's irrational, it's fallacious, it's anti-philosophical.“

We do not need to talk about the history of philosophy, because we both know it. Pederasty has nothing to do with philosophy, regardless whether this was a tradition in the Ancient Greece. Pederasty is anti-philosophical and prevents that children can also philosophise and .e.g. „take a step back from culture and ask why certain cultural practices are followed“. Pederasty is an extreme misuse of children.

Carleas wrote:

„I will stick to this position if it means we lose members; I have done so in the past. This site does not exist to please the masses, it exists to allow for the discussion and dissection of ideas.

And no, I still don't know what you mean by identification. Please elaborate.“

When I joined ILP it was because of my interest in philosophy. Since then I have tried to identify myself as an ILP member with ILP - you may compare it with the identification of somebody with his/her job -, but now this process of identification is interrupted or even destroyed by those pederasts. Pederasty has nothing to do with philosophy, regardless whether this was a tradition in the Ancient Greece. Pederasty is anti-philosophical and prevents that children can also philosophise and .e.g. „take a step back from culture and ask why certain cultural practices are followed“. Pederasty is an extreme misuse of children.

What abut the healthy and the freedom of our children? To me nothing is more important than healthy and the freedom of our children. And this is also philosophically important, as I already said, because children should also be and remain able to enjoy philosophy. Unhealthy and unfree children are not able to enjoy philosophy. Misused children are unhealthy and unfree. And pederasts (also known as „pedophiles“) are extreme misusers of children.

A world in which animals, especially peds, have more rights and are more protected than children, is an evil world. The reality in this evil world is e.g. that if one opened a thread with the topic „I have sex with all my peds and other animals“, this would trigger a huge fuss and rage; but if one opened a thread with the topic „I have sex with all my children“, then it would be merely talked about the „freedom of pederasty resp. pedophilia“.

Pedereasty resp. pedophilia is unacceptable and intolerable.

Can you not agree with that?


29.04.2015, 21:54

Murder makes it hard for the victims of murder to philosophize too, and yet murder is a subject ripe for philosophy. As is the death penalty, or genocide, or any number of horrible acts that have seen philosophically interesting defenses. When we discuss murder, no one is dying because of it. When we discuss genocide, no people is being driven to extinction by our words. We are engaging the ideas, we aren't partaking in the actions.

Moral claims are philosophical claims. You are making the claim that pedophilia is so immoral that it is wrong to even attempt to explain why it is immoral (or perhaps one can offer an explanation, so long as that explanation is no longer critically examined). That is anti-philosophical.

Please don't misunderstand me: I believe pedophilia should be punished by death. But I am radically protective of people to express or advocate for any ideas, including ideas that, if acted upon, make them deserving of death.

ILP is not atheist or Christian, it is not utilitarian or deontological, it's not a dualist or a mind-brain identity theorist. On no philosophical question is ILP qua ILP asked to represent a perspective other than the love of philosophy itself. If you don't identify with that, that is your prerogative. I think it's an anti-philosophical stance, but I acknowledge that most people have limits more restrictive than mine.


30.04.2015, 23:07

Carleas wrote:

„Murder makes it hard for the victims of murder to philosophize too, and yet murder is a subject ripe for philosophy. As is the death penalty, or genocide, or any number of horrible acts that have seen philosophically interesting defenses. When we discuss murder, no one is dying because of it. When we discuss genocide, no people is being driven to extinction by our words. We are engaging the ideas, we aren't partaking in the actions.

Moral claims are philosophical claims. You are making the claim that pedophilia is so immoral that it is wrong to even attempt to explain why it is immoral (or perhaps one can offer an explanation, so long as that explanation is no longer critically examined). That is anti-philosophical.“

No. That is not what I am doing and saying, Carleas. I am saying that persons who advertise pederasty on ILP must be banned from ILP. That does not mean „that it is wrong to even attempt to explain why it is immoral (or perhaps one can offer an explanation, so long as that explanation is no longer critically examined)“. Pederasty and advertising pederasty / „pedophilia“ has really nothing to do with philosophy.

Carleas wrote:

„Please don't misunderstand me: I believe pedophilia should be punished by death. But I am radically protective of people to express or advocate for any ideas, including ideas that, if acted upon, make them deserving of death.

ILP is not atheist or Christian, it is not utilitarian or deontological, it's not a dualist or a mind-brain identity theorist. On no philosophical question is ILP qua ILP asked to represent a perspective other than the love of philosophy itself. If you don't identify with that, that is your prerogative.“

I did never say that I do not identify with philosophy. The reverse is true. Pederasty and advertising pederasty / „pedophilia“ has really nothing to do with philosophy.

Carleas wrote:

„I think it's an anti-philosophical stance, but I acknowledge that most people have limits more restrictive than mine.“

It is not „an anti-philosophical stance“, and it has also nothing to do with restrictive limits and so on. Pederasty itself is extreme crimnal and anti-philosophical. So if one is against pederasty / „pedophilia“, then this one is also against an anti-philosophical stance; so this one is anti-anti-philosophical, thus philosophical.

And one does not need to tolerate and even accept anything and everything like liberalism does by tolerating and accepting also anti-liberalism. Philosophy is not liberalism.


30.04.2015, 00:02

Does your claim not ultimately boil down to a moral statement, i.e. „pedophilia is very very wrong“? If it does, in what sense is it not a question for philosophy? Are you saying there are moral claims beyond the purview of philosophy?


30.04.2015, 17:55

Carleas wrote:

„Does your claim not ultimately boil down to a moral statement, i.e. »pedophilia is very very wrong«?“

First of all I am saying that pederasty is extreme criminal and should be punished by death. So in the first place I am pointing to the practice not to the theory of pederasty / „pedophilia“ (this word is wrong, because it disguises and makes the misuse appear harmless!).

Carleas wrote:

„If it does, in what sense is it not a question for philosophy?“

If you, for example, always philosophise by waering sportswaer, does that mean that wearing sportswear is a question for philosophy? Yes and no. If someone misuses a philosophy forum by trolling and by derailing threads, does that mean that trolling and derailing are questions for philosophy? Yes and no. If someone is banned from a philosophy forum, does that mean that banning from a philosophy forum is a question for philosophy? Yes and no. If someone misuses a philosophy forum by pederasty advertsing, does that mean that pederasty advertsing is a question for philosophy? No and a little bit yes.

Carleas wrote:

„Are you saying there are moral claims beyond the purview of philosophy?“

Yes and no.

- Yes, because philosophy is embedded in culture, although culture is an issue of philosophy too. Ethics is a part of philosophy and is needed, but philosophy is more theory than practice. In our culture the practical side of ethics belongs merely partly to philosophy, the most parts of it belong to judicial practice, political practice, police, and so on.

- No. Moral is a part of ethics, and ethics is a part of philosophy. But in our culture there are laws, and one can philosophise as much as one can, these laws exist, although philosophers can change them - the thing is that lawyers and politicians can change them too. But nevertheless: moral is a part of ethics, and ethics is a part of philosophy.

So in this case the more practical side stands for the „yes“and the more theoretical side stands more for the „no“. But pederasty advertising belongs more to the practical side than to the theoretical side.

Arminius wrote:

„It is clear what e.g. the ILP member David 8 says and »likes«. This is his/her avatar:


And this is his/her signature:


No »discussion« needed.

See also e.g. his/her thread: »DSM V: pedo not necessarily harmful; sexual orientation«.“

His/her pictures / images and texts (combined with his/her pictures/ images) are pederasty advertising.





A (Arminius [HB]) und O (Orbie)

08.07.2015, 23:11

Hello, Orbie.

I send you holiday greetings (two days left), again from the island Rügen. Do you remember my greetings in the last year? It was from Rügen too - with a picture of Caspar D. Friedrich. **

09.07.2015, 23:32

„Id feel good You aare on vacation, and me too, i am in Italy right now.

I too, send You my best. I do not want to loose a good friend.

The very best, Orbie“




A (Arminius [HB]) und Z (Zinnat)

15.07.2015, 03:18

Hello, Zinnat (Sanjay).

You are right, Zinnat. Turd Ferguson ... and Fixed Cross are merely full of envy, resentment, and revenge. As usual. They have inferiority complexes, need a scapegoat, and must lie.

I did not want to promote them or the concerned thread; so I did not respond to their nonsense. I hope you understand what I mean.



15.07.2015, 16:13

„I am aware of Turd since long. He is more stupid than wicked. His mind is not his control, that is why he becomes erratic usually.

FC is a different case. He is learned but sometimes becomes a victim of grandiose. That happens sometimes to some intellectuals, especially to those who are in the initial phase of their quest for knowledge and lacks a wise teacher/guide.

Philosophy is a complex issue and it takes quite a long time to get the gist of the issues and right understanding. Besides that, it also needs some experiences of life and maturity, which can come only with the age. There is no other way to learn it. FC has not reached there yet but certainly on the way. It will take him atlest one more decade. But the problem with him that the ghost of Neithzhe tends to follow him where ever he goes.

With love,


15.07.2015, 16:51

Because of their inferiority complexes, their envy, their resentment, their revenge they - I mean Ted Furguson, Cezar/Historyboy, Fixed Cross and other racists - need a scapegoat and lies; this lead them to war declarations. Germany is successful as it was; so those enviers, resentimentful haters wanted and want the war against Germany. Those people are dangerous.

Most of the Dutch (b.t.w.: Fixed Cross is no real Dutch) spend their holidays in Germany. The Dutch vistit Germany every day and often cause a traffic jam on the motorway/freeway (also a German invention) in the west and northwest regions of Germany. The Dutch do not drive Japanese cars - as Fixed Cross is stupidly suggesting - but mostly German cars.

Fixed Cross, Turd Furguson, and the other racists do not know much about Germany. Fixed Cross speaks as if he has never been to Germany, and Turd Furguson has never been to Germany. They are telling lies, and that is dangerous. And they are telling the most lies when it comes to tell them to Non-Europeans. They want the war against Germany again. I do not want war. No German wants war. Germany pays for all European and also many other countries (especially USA), and those Antigermans do just that what Antisemites in former times did.

It is unbearable what Ted Furguson, Fixed Cross, and the other racists do.






A (Arminius [HB]) und O (Orbie)

15.07.2015, 18:34

Turd Ferguson ... and Fixed Cross are merely full of envy, resentment, and revenge. As usual. They have inferiority complexes, need a scapegoat, and must lie.

I did not want to promote them or the concerned thread; so I did not respond to their nonsense. I hope you understand what I mean.

Because of their inferiority complexes, their envy, their resentment, their revenge they - I mean Ted Furguson, Cezar/Historyboy, Fixed Cross and other racists - need a scapegoat and lies; this lead them to war declarations. Germany is successful as it was; so those enviers, resentimentful haters wanted and want the war against Germany. Those people are dangerous.

Most of the Dutch (b.t.w.: Fixed Cross is no real Dutch) spend their holidays in Germany. The Dutch vistit Germany every day and often cause a traffic jam on the motorway/freeway (also a German invention) in the west and northwest regions of Germany. The Dutch do not drive Japanese cars - as Fixed Cross is stupidly suggesting - but mostly German cars.

Fixed Cross, Turd Furguson, and the other racists do not know much about Germany. Fixed Cross speaks as if he has never been to Germany, and Turd Furguson has never been to Germany. They are telling lies, and that is dangerous. And they are telling the most lies when it comes to tell them to Non-Europeans. They want the war against Germany again. I do not want war. No German wants war. Germany pays for all European and also many other countries (especially USA), and those Antigermans do just that what Antisemites in former times did.

It is unbearable what Ted Furguson, Fixed Cross, and the other racists do.





A (Arminius [HB]) und JSS (James S. Saint)

15.07.2015, 18:36

Turd Ferguson ... and Fixed Cross are merely full of envy, resentment, and revenge. As usual. They have inferiority complexes, need a scapegoat, and must lie.

I did not want to promote them or the concerned thread; so I did not respond to their nonsense. I hope you understand what I mean.

Because of their inferiority complexes, their envy, their resentment, their revenge they - I mean Ted Furguson, Cezar/Historyboy, Fixed Cross and other racists - need a scapegoat and lies; this lead them to war declarations. Germany is successful as it was; so those enviers, resentimentful haters wanted and want the war against Germany. Those people are dangerous.

Most of the Dutch (b.t.w.: Fixed Cross is no real Dutch) spend their holidays in Germany. The Dutch vistit Germany every day and often cause a traffic jam on the motorway/freeway (also a German invention) in the west and northwest regions of Germany. The Dutch do not drive Japanese cars - as Fixed Cross is stupidly suggesting - but mostly German cars.

Fixed Cross, Turd Furguson, and the other racists do not know much about Germany. Fixed Cross speaks as if he has never been to Germany, and Turd Furguson has never been to Germany. They are telling lies, and that is dangerous. And they are telling the most lies when it comes to tell them to Non-Europeans. They want the war against Germany again. I do not want war. No German wants war. Germany pays for all European and also many other countries (especially USA), and those Antigermans do just that what Antisemites in former times did.

It is unbearable what Ted Furguson, Fixed Cross, and the other racists do.



16.07.2015, 01:11

I can't really comment on the reality of how people are over there. I visited Germany once (Frankfurt and Freiburg)and the people were very pleasant to me. But I know that most of the people on forums like this are very bias, prejudice, and presumptuous. Obviously there have be en war tensions for generations over there. I really don't know what it has become like (except for Islam moving in).
People who have nothing try to hold onto some form of pride with the hopes that others of that group will think more kindly of them (esprit de corps). If these people aren't arguing and fighting, they don't have a life.


16.07.2015, 01:52

The said ILP members have absolutely no idea but are full of envy, resentment, and revenge. They are not talking about reality but merely about something that is based on their inferiority complexes. They are mentally ill. Fixed Cross - for example - appears to me like a schizo with a borderline syndrome. Absolutely horrible.

Greetings - with the expectation of more interesting posts from you.


16.07.2015, 02:07

„I know that certain ones of those people have drug issues, so you see them get bizarre now and then, and then straighten up a little, then get weird again.“

Yes, I also think that many of the said ILP members take drugs, but drugs „merely“ worsen their problems.




A (Arminius [HB]) und Z (Zinnat)

17.07.2015, 03:55

I think that you are giving too much importance to FC, far more than he deserves. Nobody takes him that seriously.

As I said before, he relies too much on his God N and his religion of WTP, and tries to see everything from that very prism only. That is why he gets wrong deductions manytimes.

Secondly, I am with the vehicles since the age of 15 ( now 51 ), and not only with two or four wheelers but six wheelers also, as my family had a fleet of trucks to help our joint family business of stone crusher. I know that I am right about the quality of German cars and Engineering, and about the German society as a whole.

He is not competent enough to change my opinion about anything related to Germany, or any other country. I have more disagreements than agreements with his ideology, which I challenged many times in the past and will continue to do so.

You need not to worry.


17.07.2015, 04:46

Thanks for your response, Zinnat.

Another problem of Fixed Cross is his drug abuse, I think.

Have a nice day.





A (Arminius [HB]) und O (Orbie)

22.07.2015, 19:11

Orbie wrote:

„I do believe in world peace, and i do believe it is possible to attain it, even though historical precedent does not bear that out.“

So you are a Kantian on that score. Kant even spoke of an „perpetual peace“. All Occidental people are Kantians, regardless whether they say that they „are not“ Kantians.

Orbie wrote:

„But Marx was right in one thing, it is changing history, not interpreting it, that is essential.“

I do not think that Marx was right in that thing, because the humans have always changed the world in various ways, but it depeds on to shelter the world.

I know you mean this statement: „Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kommt aber darauf an, sie zu verändern.“ - Karl Marx, „11. These über Feuerbach“, 1845.

I say: „Die Menschen haben die Welt nur verschieden verändert; es kommt aber darauf an, sie zu schützen.“







A (Arminius [HB]) und M (Moreno [MJ])

07.09.2015, 16:26

The media in my country of residence is doing this incredible PR campaign to make welcome and help refugees. I have never seen anything like this. It is as if people started suffering this year and there were not starving people, for example, all through history, who needed help. Anyway, I understand, generally, the cynical view of 'their' urge to create mass migration into Europe, but...

1) I am interested in your take on this and....
2) The fundamental argument used, at root, beyond the appeals to being good world citizens, is that this country MUST have big immigration, to pay off the pension system and aid the economy. How do you counter this argument?



07.09.2015, 20:48

This ugly PR campaign dominates all countries of North and West Europe. It is in fact unbelievable. Those who are not able to pay the people smuggler must stay, so that the country where they must stay becomes even more poorer than before. And Europe will break down at last and probably get one of the ugliest and most terrible wars: the so-called „civil war“. Then there will not be any pension system. And by the way: Almost all refugees do not want to pay anything for Europeans and will not pay anything for Europeans. They want to get money - not to give money. The problems of the economies in their homelands will increase. And who has to aid them? The Europeans, especially those Europeans who pay the most anyway: Germans. All refugees need help. By whom? By the Europeans, especially by those Europeans who pay the most anyway: Germans. Many of the European countries are bankrupt. So they themselves need help. By whom? By Germans. What if the Germans will stop helping them? And what are the German government and the German media doing? They are saying: „we want immigrants“ (thus: poorness). That is absolutely satanistic. They are paid by satanists.


11.09.2015, 16:26

Moreno wrote:

„Yes, and I am up in Sweden ....“

I remember a time where you said that you lived in England and came from the US. Now you are saying that you are in Sweden. So am I right when I say that you live in Sweden and come from the US?

Moreno wrote:

„Sweden and Germany have been screaming WELCOME to refugess via the media.“

England too?

Moreno wrote:

Recently the largest party here has become the Sweden Democrats, and anti-immigration party. They have a good number of assholes, but in general, now anyone who is concerned about immigration for any reason votes for them. What happens, Sweden welcomes the world. And there has been this amazing brain switch - affected no doubt by the use of that picture of the drowned 3 year old, for example - and now everyone is leaping over each other to give the most. The mob lives and is used!

Whatever vestige of democracy left over here will be taken away by incredibly cheap labor, more powerful corporations, poverty and the fear of being fired, lack of time and energy during stressed work and looking for work.

They keep saying that we have to have this influx or pensions will run out, but there must be another way to do this.

And just in the last year, before this latest stream of refugees, we have, for the first time ever, there are tent cities forming made up of EU migrants, mostly gypsies from Romania.

The landscape is changing rapidily. Hell, this may enact radical global change before they even manage to come up with real, strong AIs.


Thanks for your response, Moreno. I think that the Europeans - the so-called „Whites“ - try to train themselves in „survival of the UNfittest“. They or at least their rulers have become totalitarian auto-racists.

The following video is one I posted in the thread with the title „Multiculturalism: Have You Been Culturally Enriched?“ (**).

Arminius wrote:

„Islamic invasion of (for example) Sweden: ** “  ** **


13.09.2015, 16:48

Moreno wrote:

„Armiinius wrote:

»I remember a time where you said that you lived in England and came from the US. Now you are saying that you are in Sweden. So am I right when I say that you live in Sweden and come from the US?«

Yes, from the US, live in Sweden. I have been in England for periods of time recently.

Arminius wrote:

»England too?«

They haven't been screaming welcome, but Cameron reversed himself and started taking in larger numbers.

Arminius wrote:

»Thanks for your response, Moreno. I think that the Europeans - the so-called ›Whites‹ - try to train themselves in ›survival of the UNfittest‹. They or at least their rulers have become totalitarian auto-racists.

The following video is one I posted in the thread with the title ›Multiculturalism: Have You Been Culturally Enriched?‹ (**).«

I am not quite sure what you mean by what Whites are doing. Wasn't that Ecclesiastes video? I grew up in NYC, so multiculturalism was pretty much a given. Not necessarily a politically correct variant, but simply that I grew up amidst many races and religions and my parents never once gave me the slightest agitated feeling if I came home with someone from another culture or race. My concerns about the current situation are primarily 1) economic 2) Swedens utter incompetence integrating other cultures and groups coupled with Muslim resistance to assimilation here. Following those is a general concern about Islam as a mindset. There are other mindsets that bother me also - say neocolonialism or the Christianity of much of middle America. But when I see a large influx of people with a certain mindset I have a problem with coupled with the fact that they already are not getting integrated here - as said, due to their own insularity and the Swedish incompetence - I see it as heading directly for very bad scenarios, which we have had local examples of here already with refugee shelters set on fire, a refugee killing random strangers and an utter inablity to discuss immigration without accusing instantly anyone with questions about current levels being called a racist. It's amazing that someone can be called a racist for being concerned about a group defined by what it believes and not by race. This confusion is never corrected in the media, even in letters to the editor.

I assume there are a couple of things going on: industry is hoping to finally and utterly destroy any labor power (like unions) and bring down wages; creating disorder and distraction. Now citizens will aim their hatred at either racists (or people who are purported to be racists) or they will aim their hatred at immigrants. Everyone will ignore what the power is actually doing and more money can be shifted into law enforcement and more laws allowing the panopticon. People will call for their own loss of freedom and privacy.

Anyway, that's my take.“

When I say that the „»Whites« - try to train themselves in »survival of the UNfittest«“ I mean alomost what you mean when you speak about their „incompetence“. All European politicians are incompetent and corrupt.

Europe was and is not New York. So multiculturalism was never given in Europe.

Perhaps the Europeans will become refugees at last.


14.09.2015, 19:42

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»When I say that the »›Whites‹ - try to train themselves in ›survival of the UNfittest‹« I mean alomost what you mean when you speak about their »incompetence«. All European politicians are incompetent and corrupt.

OK, I get you more now.

Arminius wrote:

»Europe was and is not New York. So multiculturalism was never given in Europe.«

I do get that. And there is a difference between de facto multiculturalism - most harbour towns are going to become this to some degree, especially if they are, say, on the Meditteranean Sea - where you simply have a number of races living in the same place, and multiculturalism the philosophy where one is instructed to view all cultures as the same and told not to judge and react to differences or even notice them.

Arminius wrote:

»Perhaps the Europeans will become refugees at last.«

And there you have the origins of the 18th century US.

Europe is the origin place of the Europeans. The US is the origin place of the so-called „Indians“.

The follwing picture may clarify what I mean by „Indian“:


Moreno wrote:

Sadly there will be nowhere to go. The US is a disaster, Australia and New Zealand will resist immigration without specialized needed skills - by Europeans that is - and from there I see little option.“

Why is the US a disaster? (An info for you: I have nevre been to the US.)
Why will Australia and New Zealand resist immigration? (I do not understand your term „without specialized needed skills - by Europeans that is“.)


16.09.2015, 05:11

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

„Europe is the origin place of the Europeans. The US is the origin place of the so-called »Indians«.“


Arminius wrote:

„Why is the US a disaster? (An info for you: I have nevre been to the US.)“

Crime, homelessness, tremendous work instability, incredible law enforcement power, cities and counties going bankrupt, loss of the middle class ..., and all these things are in a positive feedback loop. Education is much harder to come and also less effective, less class mobility, less options for political activism and change, crime leading to more crime and yet also more surveillance and more law enforcement power. The solutions at best do nothing to address problems, often generally make the problems worse.

Arminius wrote:

„Why will Australia and New Zealand resist immigration? (I do not understand your term »without specialized needed skills - by Europeans that is«.)“

For a European to get into those countries, he or she would need to demonstrate special skills - say, IT skills - that are needed. They cannot claim refugee status. And I don't think they will be able to unless there is an all out war in Europe. If Europe moves even more in the US direction, this will not be enough. If it becomes like the Balkans in the early 90s, OK, Australia and NZ would likely start taking people in.

The „refugee satus“ is a trick to weaken or even destroy Europe, because Europe - and in this case „Europe“ is Germany again - has the best economy on the Earth, no other region of the globe can be in competition with it. So it will be destroyed again, because the other regions have an interest in that.

In order to become like the Balkans the rest of Europe must get the same religious structure. There are Christians (Catholics and Orthodox Christians) and Muslims in the Balkans. And it is very probable that the real rulers want the rest of Europe to become like the Balkans, because they make money with war and with all the consequences of it. .... It is just terrible, Moreno.

16.09.2015, 05:11

Moreno wrote:

„I could see it becoming like the Balkans via the huge influx of immigrants, coupled with any violence they commit, any violence aimed at them - which will create a positive feedback loop - along with the increasing surveillance/law enforcement presence and power justified by the 'unrest' 'terrorism' 'radicals' (the last term including pretty much any possible political position). Once a more open fascism (or communist totalitarian) state situation arises via this process, more and more people will resist and these in turn will be labeled radicals. Toss in the economic crime, stress, housing shortages which will also add to chaos and calls for strong government intervention. I assume this will take place slowly, frog in slowly heated up water, until sort of wake up, after what has seemed obvious small changes, in a dystopia. I am not sure what I worry about most - technological global disasters like AI, nanotech, gm, biowarfare created nightmares or the way the elites are shifting the economies.“

I agree.

By the way: If you can speak Swedish, then you probably may also speak or at least understand German. .... Do you?


21.10.2015, 19:34

Hello, Moreno.

In the following I am referring to your and Uccisore's post in the thread „Multiculturalism: Have You Been Culturally Enriched?“:

I think that the „pension system argument“ is no argument or merely a strawman argument, a propaganda, thus rhetoric. We have already clear proofs because of the fact that almost no single one of the past immigrants pays taxes (some of them payd taxes in the past - but do not in the present and will not do in the future) - even the consume tax was, is, and will be payed by the Europeans, because almost no one of the past immigrants payd taxes, almost no one of the current immigrants pays taxes and almost no one of the future immigrants will pay taxes. They all got, get, and will get money from the social (welfare) state, thus from the European tax payers. The welfare (social) system of the Europeans was, is, and will be the reason why the immigratnts came, come and will come to Europe and did not, do not, and will not pay any tax at all.

So the so-called immigrants are merely the reason why the European pension system will collapse earlier than without immigrants.

I think you know what that means. But Uccisore and other Americans do not know what that means, because the political systems and especially the social political systems in America do not (Latin America) or hardly (USA, Canada) exist. Those are not comparable with the European social systems which are real welfare systems. In Europe you do not need to work, you can easily make more money, if you do not work and live from the taxes of the Europeans. In addition: more than 90% of all criminal acts in Europe are done by Non-Europeans. Europe (especially Germany) is the paradise of the Earth (Germany is the world's welfare agency / the world's social assistance office); therefore and only therefore the Non-Europeans come to Europe (especially to Germany - by the way: the birthrate of the real Germans has almost the same degree as the birthrates of other real Europeans have). It is not the weather why immigrants come to Europe.

Moreno wrote:

„Uccisore wrote:

»A solution to the problem is certainly no easy thing, but recognizing that some solutions are actually worse than the problem is important too. We need to consider what age people can collect pensions, how many pensions are being paid out to people that really don't need them to get buy, what other Government programs might writing IOUs to the pension fund to pay for themselves, etc. Even with all that, it's possible that cuts would have to be made- there's no guarentee a State can afford everything they decide would be nice.« **

Cuts is fine. I Think people can deal with Cuts. IOW some amount of cutting would be accepted. But there are problems with the pension system already because of 2008. There isn't much swingroom for many pensioners. (not to mention that taxes will have to go up at least until the new immigrants get somewhat integrated). I have no idea if it would be enough. I suppose one could propose an Active immigration ad Campaign, to try to draw in people from other Western countries or highly educated people from anywhere - education has a negative correlation with birth rate amongst other potential positives like they go right into the workforce and so on. This is happening to some degree through industry and in some specialities like doctors and nurses. It could be broader and more aggressive.

The absurd thing is that integration is not as good here as in the US. This is caused by simple discomfort - in the US if you have the skills, selfishness will win out on the employer side, Comfort being prioritized lower, and also the fact that everyone in the US has more Contact with other Groups than people here - it is caused by racism on both sides. It is caused by incredible bureaucracy, it is caused by making people relearn all sorts of stuff and forcing people to go through rather long educations for stuff that in the US it is assumed common sense and on the job experience will master. You also have to learn English in addition to the native language. In the US your chancs of getting a good job naturally go up if you know English, but you don't have to learn, say, French also. Here you will have to learn or have already been fluent in English plus the native language. That slows down integration and even stops it with many. They also undervalue foreign educations and overvalue education in general. The pragmatic, can be learned via experience attitude in the US is a great benefit to integration.

So what we have is terrible integration, and now the Group that integrates worst - Arab/Muslims - is arriving en masse. Why it is assumed this will make the pension system work seems odd to me. Who to blame for the poor integration should be a secondary issue. Get good first then integrate if that is the choice. Not, throw thousands at a system that is not working making it even harder to reform.

I suppose these latter are arguments I would add to the one you made.

I actually taught incoming immigrants for a couple of years and have a less negative view of the incoming arabs/muslims that your, perhaps partly hyperbolic description of them. They do seem a Little insane to me, as do many Groups, and insane in the particular ways that their religion and states and Cultures of origin lead them to be. I am less than thrilled to have this worldview strenghtened here though it is not the only one I have serious problems with.

The fact that no one gets to talk critically about this issue publically as an identifiable individual without being labeled a racist should be considered a hate crime.“ **

The following was posted by me in the „Machine“ thread:

„Compare the examples of the black poulations with the examples of the other populations:

Country Birthrates Fertility rates Year
Bosnia 9 1.2 2010
Burkina Faso 44 6.0 2010
Burundi 47 6.8 2010
Chad 45 6.2 2010
China 12 1.7 2010
Germany 9 1.4 2010
Guinea-Bissau 50 7.1 2010
Italy 9 1.3 2010
Japan 9 1.3 2010
Kenya 39 5.0 2010
Mali 48 6.5 2010
Mexico 19 2.1 2010
Uganda 47 6.7 2010
World 20 2,5 2010

Besides cultural (cp. e.g. decadence and so on), economical (cp. e.g. welfare, debt, terror of consumption and so on) and other reasons there are also techn(olog)ical reasons (cp. e.g. machines and so on) for the decline of the so called developed population, the white population (and their »branches«). Cultural reasons lead - via economical reasons - to techn(olog)ical reasons, and the last ones make the decline complete by mechanical replacing. Machines are the modern »crown of creation«. ** **

Without immigration the birthrate of Germany is about 0.2 points lower than it is indicated in the table (1.4). In France the birthrate is even 0.6 points higher (2.0) that it is without immigration (1.4) - that is because France has many Black Africans (Black Africans have the highest birthrate of all humans!).

Interestingly, the birthrates of the Europeans have almost the same degree everywhere, thus regardless where the Europeans live. No wonder.



23.10.2015, 19:41

Moreno wrote:

Hi Arminius,
thanks for the PM and the information in it.

I go off on a tangent below, but hey, it might be interesting.

I was starting to mull over similar things that you mentioned after asking Uccisore. I have seen that a lot of the immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants do not work. This is not just their fault. I taught them English for a while and I could see that many of the men were actually desperate to get work, especially the better educated ones. They were embarassed not to be working.I know how Swedes are. Even those who would argue for multiculturalism would have a very hard time having a conversation with a non-European and would balk at working with one. Simply because Swedes are terrified of losing Control, not knowing what to do, dealing with difference, having to be critical with words and so on. With other Swedes they can be critical almost without Words since Everything is so culturally uniform. They also have this rather extreme Jantelagen
and it is stricter here than in other Scandanavian countries. And this includes how you talk - restrained, few Words, monotone - and then goes outward from there to any divergences from a very controlled, humble stay in the background 'normalcy'.

I am sure other EU nations were also more monocultural and resistent to ALL difference, but since the swedes are basically on an Island and mostly lived out in the countryside until recently and had even internally very Little diversity - compared, say, with the larger more complex Germany even - they Think the way they do Everything is best. Which is true to some degree, but you would not Believe how specific and random this is. I Think however the Swedes have a tempermental streak that makes this more severe than in other countries. Even as an american I find myself judged as bizarre, my educations were undervalued, my driver's licence spat on, and so on in many instances where any person with intuition or rationality would Think: sure, their could be a few good ways of doing this. The norms here are very rigid. Note: this is not me saying all ways of doing things are of equal value. I do Think some ways are better than others, but here habit is confused with conclusions reached rationally or intuitively in other ways. I've gone back to the states a few times and seen in NYC how people form different classes and races talk to each other. And I realized that even the very racist deal with other races, openly and generally comfortably. They can work with each other and talk with passion to each other across these divides easily. American pragmatism and flexibility. (Just to be clear: I have no illusions about the downside of American character, or downsides I should say, and characters - I just noticed that the Swedes had their own insanities at the cultural level)

But, as said, whether it is parasitic behavior on the immigrant side or problems created by incredibly shy Control freak Swedes, the immigrants are generally not getting jobs at the rates of other Groups. They do better starting their own businesses, though this is also incredibly hard in Sweden. And yes, they are overrepresented in crime and I would guess also in Health care.

So, yes, they are not helping the pension system.

Thanks again.

I think the Scandinavian people have a bit more in common with the English people than with the German (Austrian and Swiss people included) or Dutch (Flemish people incluided) people. But I do not think that this matters much.

If the foreign people work together the autochthonous people, then there are less problems than in all other cases concerning these two groups. There is a parasitic behavior anyway. Most of the immigrants do not want to work, regardless what they say (publicly); and by the way: there is no work for all of them, and the autochthonous people become workless / unemployed because of those few foreign people who get work. This situation is the opposite of social freedom; and this antisocial situation is caused by a „social“ (!) state; and this „social“ state depends on an institution that is an empire - ruled by a global Mafia group.

Additionally, foreign working humans are only needed because of the fact that they are cheaper. So this immigartion is also a part of the new form of slavery. And in the end, as we know from my machine thread (**|**), they wiil probably be replaced by machines anyway. There are many interests in destroying Europe - and, logically, most of those interests are Non-European interests (the EU itself is Non-European when it comes to those interests) -, because Europe (especially Germany) is economically the most powerful place on Earth, and if you want to destroy Europe, you have to destroy Germany - the rest just follws.

Is it right that you work or worked as a teacher, Moreno? If so, then we have something in common and know the motivation and the „motivation“ of pupils and students.


23.10.2015, 20:24

I also agree with the following of your posts:

Moreno wrote:

„It is really terrible over here in Europe around this issue. There is only one possible motivation for having concerns about the number of immigrants/refugees. And that is racism. Which is bizzarre, apart from shutting down dialogue in a terrible way. In fact it is so badly handled that I can only assume that some people doing the handling want to shut down dialogue, want to create impasses, want to create internal strife and want to create extremists on both sides who cannot talk but must be violent. I can believe in systemic stupidity. This certainly happens. But when the pattern is complete with no holes, then I begin to suspect that what seems simply like stupidity is actually at least also clever strategic choices with a cover story.“ **

You also said that „education has a negative correlation with birthrate“ (**) - that is right. It is also right that the wealth correlates negatively with the birthrate. But this negative aspects do not justify the politics of the Anti-European rulers. The reverse is true, as I alraedy pointed out in many posts and in my last two personal messages. The pension systems, maybe the whole European states, and other systems of the European societies will collapse, if this terrible rulers (Glozis: Glo[balna]zis) will continue their destroying work.

By the way, Moreno: I like your avatar very much. Maybe we have something more in common, for example: loving the beauty of nature, especially trees.

Moreno's avatar

Thanks and greetings.

24.10.2015, 23:02

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»I think the Scandinavian people have a bit more in common with the English people than with the German (Austrian and Swiss people included) or Dutch (Flemish people incluided) people. But I do not think that this matters much.« **

They definitely feel somewhat English to me. My father was English (he's dead) and I understood many things about the Swedes upon arrival, it seemed in any case. They are much more held back than the English however - which is saying something. The English have an art of communication - as opposed to the expressive focus of American communication - and the Swedish view communication as only for information and try to minimize it. I can't say if they are closer to the English than they are to the Germans. Given their roots they should be closer to the Germans, but I can't tell. My best friend is German but he is an oddball and gives me no insight into the culture as a whole, at least not as an example of it.

The Swedish and the Germans separated about 2500-2700 years ago; the Anglo-Saxons (the Angles and the Saxons) and the Germans separated 1500-1600 years ago; so according to this aspect the Germans are a bit closer to the English than to the Swedish.

May I ask you why your German friend - your „best friend“, as you aid - lives in Sweden?

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»Is it right that you work or worked as a teacher, Moreno? If so, then we have something in common and know the motivation and the „motivation“ of pupils and students.« **

They were not very motivated to learn English and their was an undercurrent hatred of Swedes. I was generally well liked, but I think that was the American more blunt and open communication they appreciated - The Muslims that is. I was likely much more comfortable with them than the Swedes, at least on the personal level. Cross cultural stuff is second nature to me and I tend to get along fine - in limited contact that is - with crazy people, children, other species, developmentally disabled, addicts, criminals so being in a room with people from other cultures, especialy a mix of cultures is fine with me. Every now and then I caught a glimpse of the medieval mindset in there and that was unpleasant.

What did you / do you teach?

I teach mathematics, physics, economics (mainly: mathematical economics), and sometimes also English, namely as a an intensive teacher, a private tutor. In the past I also teached university students.

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»You also said that ›education has a negative correlation with birthrate‹ - that is right. It is also right that the wealth correlates negatively with the birthrate. But this negative aspects do not justify the politics of the Anti-European rulers. The reverse is true, as I alraedy pointed out in many posts and in my last two personal messages. The pension systems, maybe the whole European states, and other systems of the European societies will collapse, if this terrible rulers (Glozis: Glo[balna]zis) will continue their destroying work.« **

I agree. And as you've said, their 'solution' is not a solution.

Arminius wrote:

»By the way, Moreno: I like your avatar very much. Maybe we have something more in common, for example: loving the beauty of nature, especially trees.« **

Yes, nature, trees, many mammals, wilderness. I have lived outside a good deal. Every time I see a city - in a movie or photograph - it makes me feel ill. I mean, I can enjoy a city, though I would prefer to visit one then be in it. But there are too many and they are too huge and they are creating vast amounts of garbage and poison. It breaks my heart.

I totally agree, Moreno.

Thanks and greetings.


25.10.2015, 22:18

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»The Swedish and the Germans separated about 2500-2700 years ago; the Anglo-Saxons (the Angles and the Saxons) and the Germans separated 1500-1600 years ago; so according to this aspect the Germans are a bit closer to the English than to the Swedish.« **

But the Swedes are more unmixed in their roots. The English also have that whole Norman period which influenced language and culture. I suppose I considered the Swedish culture and Swedes as solely coming from Germany, whereas the English are more a mixture.“

I think that the Norman period is overestimated.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»May I ask you why your German friend - your ›best friend‹, as you aid - lives in Sweden?« **

He lives in Germany. Unfortunately for me.“

Where in Germany does your friend live?

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»I teach mathematics, physics, economics (mainly: mathematical economics), and sometimes also English, namely as an intensive teacher, a private tutor. In the past I also teached university students.« **

Can you make a living as a tutor?“

It was easieer in the past than it is currently; but my wife has a job too. I think that money is not as important as the mainstream media suggests.

Moreno wrote:

Arminius wrote:

»I totally agree, Moreno.« **

We probably wandered around very similar woods with very similar trees. I spent a lot of time in the NE Woods of the US, so once, long ago the ancestors of those trees were part of the same forest as yours.

Yes. I think you are referring to this:


Moreno wrote:

„I've also taught at University level: Creative Writing, literature, philosophy, hypnosis - it was a strange class, let me tell you -, comparative religion.“

Could or/and can you make a living as a tutor?


26.10.2015, 17:54

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I think that the Norman period is overestimated.« **

And I just read Norman, means men from the North, so there was a Scandanavian (via Vikings) element to it.“

Yes, they are Northmen, and they had kingdoms in Normandy (=> Norman-dy!), Sicilia, and South Italy too.

Moreno wrote:

„The language portion it would seem to me would be big, but this kind of thing is very hard for me to judge. There is also some Celtic blood in there.“

In the Germans is Celtic blood too.

But the Celts never settled in Scandinavia.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Where in Germany does your friend live?« **

In the Munich area.“

Have you visited him there?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»It was easieer in the past than it is currently; but my wife has a job too. I think that money is not as important as the mainstream media suggests.« **

I agree. Enough to get by is all.“

That is absolutely right.

Moreno wrote:

„Though the older I get the harder it is to get by.“

How so?

May I ask you how old you are?

Moreno wrote:

„Or it was moving to Sweden, not sure.“

You mean the reason why it is harder to get by for you? Norway has become expensive since the Norwegians found the oil in the North Sea. But the rest of Scandinavia is not very expensive. Right?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Moreno wrote:

›We probably wandered around very similar Woods with very similar trees. I spent a lot of time in the NE Woods of the US, so once, long ago the ancestors of those trees were part of the same forest as yours.‹ **

Yes. I think you are referring to this:


....« **

Yup, hence many of the same species and the feel of the forest would have been similar.“

Yes. Of course.

Moreno wrote:

„I have been, just a little bit, in German woods and it felt familiar.“

Where have you been exactly?

Germany has very good woods.

Moreno wrote:

„Sweden has very good woods.“

Yes. Of course.

Moreno wrote:

„But the long winters, lack of sunlight so much of the year, drives me crazy.“

But there is the opposite of that too: lack of darkness so much of the year.

Maybe I should come to Sweden again. I visited Sweden only once, namely in 1980.

This year in June/July, the last year in June, and the forelast year in September/October my wife and I spent two weeks on the German island Rügen, not far from Sweden, and in the next year in June we will probably come to Rügen again. Perhaps we go to Trelleborg in Sweden then by a ship of the Stena Line.



27.10.2015, 22:51

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»But the Celts never settled in Scandinavia.« **

No I meant in England and not via Scandinavia.

I know, Moreno, I just said it in order to underline that there is also Celtic blood in both English and German people but not in Scandinavian people (although one has to comsider that all Germanic and all Celtic people are very much akin anyway).

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Have you visited him there?« **

No, I seen him in the US and he's come to visit. This is actually the first period since I moved to Sweden that I have the possibility of visiting him. Most of our friendship has been on the phone.“

How long have you been living in Sweden? And do you intend to stay in Sweden for the rest of your life?

Moreno wrote:

„Though the older I get the harder it is to get by.

Arminus wrote:

»How so?« **

I just seem to spend more money. On food and other basics. Prices have gone up and I think in real terms, not simply in terms of inflation. When I was younger I also lived in fairly crappy housing in the middle of nowhere, so to speak. Here I moved to my wife's city, so expenses have gone up.“

So your wife is Swedish?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»May I ask you how old you are?« **


But that is not the reason why it is harder to get by for you, right?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»You mean the reason why it is harder to get by for you? Norway has become expensive since the Norwegians found the oil in the North Sea. But the rest of Scandinavia is not very expensive. Right?« **

It is hard for me to say. I always kept my expenses and earnings low in the US. I wanted time for creative pursuits and would work as little as I could to get by financially. It seems expensive here, but I can only compare it to a quite different situation in the US. Norway is definitely more expensive, though the salaries are higher also.“


Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Moreno wrote:

›I have been, just a little bit, in German woods and it felt familiar.‹ **

Where have you been exactly?« **

Freiburg and outside Freiburg, that's it.“


Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Moreno wrote:

›But the long winters, lack of sunlight so much of the year, drives me crazy.‹ **

But there is the opposite of that too: lack of darkness so much of the year.« **

Sure, but there is so much, you miss it. I think there is a net loss. But there is something wonderful about the summers, I grant you that. I mean, on a sunny day, even if you miss 12 hours of sunshine, you have a good chance of getting some.“

„Of getting some“ what?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Maybe I should come to Sweden again. I visited Sweden only once, namely in 1980.« **

So you are perhaps not much younger than me, unless you were a kid with your parents then.“

I was born in December 1956.

We went by car - by a convertible VW Käfer (VW Beetle) - to Sweden in 1980. There was a meeting of convertible VW-Käfer drivers. This meeting was in the middle of Sweden.



28.10.2015, 19:48

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»How long have you been living in Sweden? And do you intend to stay in Sweden for the rest of your life?« **

I don't know. We don't know. It would be nice to spend some part of winters in a warmer place. We both feel some attraction to moving to the US, though we have mixed feelings about this. Further I would have to convince immigration that I could support my wife there, so I would need a job in advance. I am not sure how I would get that at this point.“

So you can't get in the US, because your wife is a foreigner, although you are - or at least were - an US citizen? If a foreigner wants to live in Germany for ever, he or she does not need to fulfil any qualification. The best „thing“ is to have nothing, if a foreigner wants to live in Germany for ever. That is no joke!

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»So your wife is Swedish?« **


Arminius wrote:

»But that is not the reason why it is harder to get by for you, right?« **

That's a little hard to say. My age and being married probably play a role. When I was younger I lived in cheaper apartments. Or, possibly, it is simply that in the US an apartment can get more run down and still be a legal abode to rent out. In any case I tolerated a lower and less expensive standard. We live pretty simply here, but the rent is higher - though our building turned coop and we bought this apartment. Still the loans and the maintenance payments are fairly high. At least compared with the rural prices I paid in Vermont. I can't Picture us living in something cheaper. We have hobbies that take up space, not that the Place is big, but pretty much the only way to reduce the price would be to get a smaller Place. A one room apartment instead of a one bedroom. And that would drive me crazy.
We could live in the countryside and may well do this. But I hate commuting, so I would need a very short commute or my own Company.“

So you would have to commute, if you lived in the countryside. What about the surrounding area of Malmö or another city?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Nice.« **

Yes, I was really impressed by Freiberg. Such care in most things. The small unique shops, the little streams running through the streets, the bridges and small streets. I loved that the cemetaries were wild. Plants growing over boundaries and trees lifting up paths and stones and leaning over walls. Even private gardens and the plants around trees in the street were allowed to be wilder than I have seen anywhere else. And Sweden, ugh. They control all plant life in the city. I wanted to move to Freiburg after I was there.

You have just said both „Freibergand „Freiburg“; but there a many Freibergs and many Freiburgs, and you have meant the famous Freiburg im Breisgau, I think.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»›Of getting some‹ what?« **

Sunlight. Perhaps an hour of sunset at 900 for example.“

Excuse me: „at 900“? Did you mean „at 9 o'clock“?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I was born in December 1956. In about six weeks I will celebrate my 59th byrthday.« **

Ah, older than me.“

Arminius wrote:

»We went by car - by a convertible VW Käfer (VW Beetle) - to Sweden in 1980. There was a meeting of convertible VW-Käfer drivers. This meeting was in the middle of Sweden.« **

I've known a lot of VW owners, mainly hippies, back when I was younger, seen the inside of a lot of VW engines.

Anyway, if you and you wife come to Trelleborg my wife and I can meet you for a meal at least. We are up in Malmö.“

Yes. Of course. We can meet us for a meal then. That is a very good idea.


29.10.2015, 20:16

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»So you can't get in the US, because your wife is a foreigner, although you are - or at least were - an US citizen?« **

Well, if I was 100% sure, and aimed at it with great passion, I think we would find a way to get in. But yes, she cannot work without a green card. I have a rather strange, spotty work history. So we would need to be very convincing to the immigration people that it would all go well financially before they would let her in to stay.“

And you both can only get in the US, if she (a) has a job and (b) has enough money and (c) is healthy enough and (d) ... so on. Does that also refer to you? Can you also not get in the US, if you (a) have no job and (b) have not enough money and (c) are not healthy enough and (d) ... so on?

Why are so many Hispanics in the US? Did they all (a) have a job and (b) have enough money and (c) are healthy enough and (d) ... so on?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»If a foreigner wants to live in Germany for ever, he or she does not need to fulfil any qualification. The best ›thing‹ is to have nothing, if a foreigner wants to live in Germany for ever. That is no joke!« **

Yes, same here, of course.“

Why do the immigrants not go to Israel and Saudia Arabia? Okay, Israel and Saudia Arabia are the causer of that problem. But I see no reason why all those Arabian and African immigrants should come to some certain European countries. I do not want to support the mafia poliltics we have been experiencing for so long.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»So you would have to commute, if you lived in the countryside. What about the surrounding area of Malmö or another city?« **

We are looking at other cities and right now I am looking for work. I quite about two months ago. Around Malmö it is fields and farms, quite treeless. Not my cup of tea.“

I know. The South of Sweden has less trees than the rest of Sweden.

You should come to Germany.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»You have just said both ›Freibergand ›Freiburg‹; but there a many Freibergs and many Freiburgs, and you have meant the famous Freiburg im Breisgau, I think.« **

Yes, that is the one, I meant. Pardon my fast sloppy typing.“

No problem.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Excuse me: ›at 900‹? Did you mean ›at 9 o'clock‹?« **


Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»We can meet us for a meal then. That is a very good idea.« **





30.10.2015, 19:19

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»And you both can only get in the US, if she (a) has a job and (b) has enough money and (c) is healthy enough and (d) ... so on. Does that also refer to you? Can you also not get in the US, if you (a) have no job and (b) have not enough money and (c) are not healthy enough and (d) ... so on?« **

No, I can just go there. And if I messed up or got sick, whatever social supports are left there would apply to me. So, I could just move there anytime on my own. In fact a rational method would be for me to move there, find a job, starting earning money, then bring my wife over. But frankly, I would find that really unpleasant.“

So if you will have a job in the US, then it will be no problem to bring your wife there. But why do you „find that unpleasant“?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Why are so many Hispanics in the US? Did they all (a) have a job and (b) have enough money and (c) are healthy enough and (d) ... so on?« **

Well, there were many there when the US kinda stole the Southwest and California from Mexico. But then of course many slide over the border.“

Okay, but the attack with the stolen land as its result happened in the 19th century. If this is a serious argument, then all White US citizens have to leave the US, because they stole the whole US land from the Indians (natives) and stole the Blacks from Africa in order to use them as slaves.

Moreno wrote:

There is a difference from people coming into Europe.“

Yes, of course. It is a big difference.

Moreno wrote:

Latinos tend to work. But sure, the green card thing gets bypassed. Of course they live under threat the whole time, threat of deportation. But this is clearly worth it if they are leaving abject poverty, or left it years ago.“

They are cheap workers, at least cheaper than the US workers, and that is the argument of those who want cheap workers. Is there anybody who wants expensive workers?

The cheap, cheaper, and cheapest workers are the target of the employers as long as machines do not replace them.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Why do the immigrants not go to Israel and Saudia Arabia? Okay, Israel and Saudia Arabia are the causer of that problem. But I see no reason why all those Arabian and African immigrants should come to some certain European countries. I do not want to support the mafia poliltics we have been experiencing for so long.« **

Interestingly I think both SAudi ARabia and Israel referred to the Syrian refugees as including many terrorists, as part of their motivation for not wanting them. But I am sure money and religion have a lot to do with it also.“

Yes, of course.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»You should come to Germany.« **

What part do you live in?“

As you know, I live in the Saltus Teutoburgiensis which is the Latin name for the Teutoburger Wald (Teutoburg Forest). I live in the south of the Teutoburger Wald, not far from the Sauerland. So I live in a wood, a woodland, a forest, and close to many other woods, woodlands, forests.

I was born and grown up in a village in the northwest of the Teutoburger Wald. As a young adult I lived in several cities. Since October/November 1997 I have been living in the countryside again.


31.10.2015, 22:24

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»So if you will have a job in the US, then it will be no problem to bring your wife there. But why do you ›find that unpleasant‹?« **

1) I would have to leave her for some unknown period of time. I don't like to do that. 2) I would have to get a job that included Health Insurance that covered her, I think. I doubt I would really want that job. 3) I would have to apply for jobs in the US. I wouldn't enjoy that either. I am applying here in Sweden, but it is not the same kind of job market. The US is more aggressive around all aspect of work, including interviews.“

1) I understand. .... What does she say?
2) Health Insurance is very expensive in the US. .... Did you mean „according to surveys“ when you used the word „interviews“ in that last sentence?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Okay, but the attack with the stolen land as its result happened in the 19th century. If this is a serious argument, then all White US citizens have to leave the US, because they stole the whole US land from the Indians (natives) and stole the Blacks from Africa in order to use them as slaves.« **

I am not saying White people should not be in the southwest. I am just saying that's part of why so many Latinos are there.“

Yes, I know, but my intention was just to say what all native Americans could demand, if they used a general argument. In Europe the opposite of that argument is the case. The European politicians - who are corrupt, of course - defend the pseudo-arguments of the immigrants and all the other foreigners who want that chaotic immigration politics, whereas the native Europeans are handled as if they were the immigrants and criminals: more and more killer arguments are oftener and oftener used against the native Europeans; no wonder that they have already accustomed themselves to that racist propaganda of their rulers.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»They are cheap workers, at least cheaper than the US workers, and that is the argument of those who want cheap workers. Is there anybody who wants expensive workers?« **

They certainly start cheap, the Latinos, though their expectations go up from there. But my point was that in contrast with the current immigrants to Europe, the Latinos tend to want to work and their culture fits better with US work culture - and vice versa. I am not saying it is ideal or ok, just that what happens works in a way that immigration to Europe from the Middle East does not. You do not end up with huge parts of cities with people who do not work and who are supported by the social system.“

Yes. That is absolutely right. So the question is: Cui bono? What is the use for whom? In a demographical, economical, and cultural sense: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and some others on the one hand, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some others on the other hand. There is competition / struggle everywhere, and it does not matter whether and who/what is - for example - militarily allied. It is called „globalisation“ but it is global war (at least in a demographical, economical, and cultural sense). And Europe is the loser.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»The cheap, cheaper, and cheapest workers are the target of the employers as long as machines do not replace them.« **

Yes, I agree.“

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»As you know, I live in the Saltus Teutoburgiensis which is the Latin name for the Teutoburger Wald (Teutoburg Forest). I live in the south of the Teutoburger Wald, not far from the Sauerland. So I live in a wood, a woodland, a forest, and close to many other woods, woodlands, forests.« **


I like nature very much, especially in autum and spring, when one can see beautiful colors and more change than in winter and summer. Nature is not all what I like, but it is one of my favorites.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I was born and grown up in a village in the northwest of the Teutoburger Wald. As a young adult I lived in several cities. Since October/November 1997 I have been living in the countryside again.« **

It's interesting. Partly you seem like, say in US terms, a libertarian - me using the term vaguely referring to someone from the right, but the anarchist side of the right - but there is also this potentially hippie element with the lower interest in amassing Money and likely things, love of nature. Of course the categories are false and actually part of the problem. But I noticed this and thought to mention it.“

A „libertarian“ in US terms is not a „libertarian“ in European terms.

Moreno wrote:

„And I suppose it is fair to describe myself in these kinds of shallow terms. I grew up amongst liberals, but was more of a radical. So anarchist on the left, and often quite politicially correct, in the modern very limited sense. But then I found the limitations of this and now ALSO have opinions and reactions that would be considered right wing by many in my former circles. In any case extreme skepticism of both governmental and Corporate Power - with many Conspiracy theories thrown in the mix of my beliefs. I have a pagan belief system and love of nature also, which certainly overlapped with the beliefs of hippies and others on the left, but then also can fit with more right wing versions of paganism and love of nature.“

I have never been to the US, but I think I know that „liberals“ in US terms are not „liberals“ in European terms.

Politically I am a part of the opposition. If one is polically correct, then this one is part of the dictatorship.

Skepticism is needed.

If there is a non-pagan religion as a part of a dictatorship, I am a pagan; if there is a pagan religion as a part of a dictatorship, I am a non-pagan. I am not against religion, because if I were, that would be like being against human life. I am against dictatorship, regardless which one. The name Arminius stands for freedom. Arminius fighted for freedom - against the real Barbarians: the Romans, because these empire Barbarians wanted to and did expand with all kinds of cruelty and in any case, they wanted to conquer and enslave all humans. Now we have a different empire; but empire is empire; and the current empire has really conquered the whole globe; so the current empire is the worst and most evil empire of all empires.

Perhaps or probably this current empire - the global empire - is the last one of all ever existing human empires.



01.11.2015, 22:10

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

1) I understand. .... What does she say?« **

She just had a grandkid, so there is certainly no rush.“

A grandkid? Congratulations!

I like children very much.

Moreno wrote:

She'd be home with friends and family if I went ahead to the US first, so that's much less of a problem. Right now she is talking about Ibiza, but that's more for a vacation.“

My wife and I spent our yearly third holidays in Menorca this year (September/October) and also last year ((September/October). Menorca has mainly English and German guests, Mallorca has mainly German guests, and Ibiza has alo German guests, but I do not know whether mainly or not. So do you know more about the guests of Ibiza?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Yes. That is absolutely right. So the question is: Cui bono? What is the use for whom? In a demographical, economical, and cultural sense: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and some others on the one hand, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some others on the other hand. There is competition / struggle everywhere, and it does not matter whether and who/what is - for example - militarily allied. It is called „globalisation“ but it is global war (at least in a demographical, economical, and cultural sense). And Europe is the loser**

Cheap labor increases elite power. Civil tensions allow for more state control and more law enforcement and more focus between the relatively powerless. Native see intruders and the problem or their landsmen as the problem if they do not accept the intruders. Everyone stops focusing on what the elites are doing. Economic strife reduces the ability to agitate, lobby, fight for justice in relation to the elites. Overall distraction and disempowerment of citizens. That benefits elites.“

In any case, yes. That is what I am also telling when it comes to that theme. The so-called „elites“ benefit; the gap between rich and poor widens more and more and becomes an insurmountable border. At last there will be only the rich as one kind of the species and the poor as the other kind of the species. States, nations and something like that will disappear. I can guarantee you.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I like nature very much, especially in autum and spring, when one can see beautiful colors and more change than in winter and summer. Nature is not all what I like, but it is one of my favorites.« **

Yes, I also like things that humans have designed and created. Soem of them that is.“

To me parks and the buildings around them, cemeteries and the buildings around them, all cultural buildings, provided that I really like them, are as interesting and beautiful as nature is.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I have never been to the US, but I think I know that „liberals“ in US terms are not „liberals“ in European terms.

Politically I am a part of the opposition. If one is polically correct, then this one is part of the dictatorship.

Skepticism is needed.

If there is a non-pagan religion as a part of a dictatorship, I am a pagan; if there is a pagan religion as a part of a dictatorship, I am a non-pagan. I am not against religion, because if I were, that would be like being against human life. I am against dictatorship, regardless which one. The name Arminius stands for freedom. Arminius fighted for freedom - against the real Barbarians: the Romans ....« **

Have you taken part in Know Thyself, Satyr's forum?“

No - unfortunately or fortunately. Can you tell me anything about that forum?



02.11.2015, 19:35

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»A grandkid? Congratulations!« **


But it is not your grandkid, right? Is it the only grandkid she has or even you both have?

I have two children, and they are already adults and have no children, although they could have children. So I am not a grandfather yet but hope to become one soon.

My wife has a child, and this child is also already an adult, has also no children but an English father.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»My wife and I spent our yearly third holidays in Menorca this year (September/October) and also last year ((September/October). Menorca has mainly English and German guests, Mallorca has mainly German guests, and Ibiza has alo German guests, but I do not know whether mainly or not. So do you know more about the guests of Ibiza?« **

According to what I can find on the internet, Spanish and English tourists.“

As far as I know there are English and German tourists, not many Spanish tourists.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»In any case, yes. That is what I am also telling when it comes to that theme. The so-called ›elites‹ benefit; the gap between rich and poor widens more and more and becomes an insurmountable border. At last there will be only the rich as one kind of the species and the poor as the other kind of the species. States, nations and something like that will disappear. I can guarantee you.« **

I tend to argue that they are gone. A little hyperbole, but I think better for the discussion. And I do mean a little. I don't think the European nations exist really anymore. They are not quite like states in the US, but between the EU, Nato and corporations I do not see they as players. I see them as avatars through which players act.“

The Europeans are gone? If you say that they are gone, then you say what the rulers wnat you to say: „700 Million or even 1.2 billion (including the Europeans from all other regions of the world) humans are just gone, and it does not matter, because they were evil humans anyway.“ The Europeans exist, of course, and the European nations also exist, but more in a negative than in a positive sense, because the global rulers need them fore their negative projections in order to control them even more efficiently.

This nations are no players in the globalistic sense, because in the globalistic sense players are private players (gloabl banks, global undertakers / companies, global organizations, global NGO's, ... and so on). But nations will as long exist as they will be needed as negative porjections by those said global players who can control them more efficiently, if they remain nations. In other words: the rulers of nations are bought by the global rulers (private gloabl players). Maybe the nations will vanish in the future, but currently they are still needed, namely for negaitive projection affairs.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»To me parks and the buildings around them, cemeteries and the buildings around them, all cultural buildings, provided that I really like them, are as interesting and beautiful as nature is.« **

Yes, I also like those things. And as I said I was very taken by German gardens - smaller private ones - and cemetaries. I hate Versaille-like gardens, not that I have ever been there.“

Yes, they are not so natural; everything is symmetrical, too much artificial, too absolutistic, too „French“.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Moreno wrote

›Have you taken part in Know Thyself, Satyr's forum?‹ **

»No - unfortunately or fortunately. Can you tell me anything about that forum?« **

The forum centers on Satyr, a Greek American, I believe, and his philosophy and perhaps even more so his personality. He's a smart guy and an abrasive condescending personality. There's interesting arguments there and I have learned from interacting with him, less so from the site in general. His followers are pretty uninteresting minds. And yes, followers, is a good term, not that all of the people there are that. I encountered him years ago and he used to be a better communicator. He would actually address points made. Now he sees outlines, makes assumptions and hurls lectures and insults.“

Do you still post there?


03.11.2015, 15:22

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»But it is not your grandkid, right? Is it the only grandkid she has or even you both have?« **

Right, not mine. And yes, only grandkid. I have to say I don't feel a super strong Connection to this child. Maybe later. If I had been more of a father to her son, then I would, but we were more like roomates. A good relationship, but he does not feel like my son. And we are friends now, even work on creative projects together nowadays. But the three of them feel like family.“

Three? You mean him and his parents, I think.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I have two children, and they are already adults and have no children, although they could have children. So I am not a grandfather yet but hope to become one soon.« **

I can imagine.“

Do you have children?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»The Europeans are gone? If you say that they are gone, then you say what the rulers wnat you to say: ›700 Million or even 1.2 billion (including the Europeans from all other regions of the world) humans are just gone, and it does not matter, because they were evil humans anyway.‹ The Europeans exist, of course, and the European nations also exist, but more in a negative than in a positive sense, because the global rulers need them fore their negative projections in order to control them even more efficiently.« **

Of course the Europeans are still here, but the nation states do not seem to be to me. I see corporate and EU power centers. The former controlling the party systems and the latter dissolving states. (There is also the media induced monoculture pouring mainly out of the US, also from corporations.) I do not think citizens have Power in these countries and can function as controllers of their nations. Decisions are made by other players, not even the nation governments, which act as fronts. Of course there is some swingroom. Organizationally and how power flows there are many problems with nationstates having identity and self control. But beyond that it is people's illusions and brainwahsed assumptions that play a role. This has potential for shifting, but I am not optimistic.“

So we agree at least in the main points. I say that if you want to destroy something, then this something must be still there. So The Europeans and their nations are still there. If they were not, then the rulers could not destroy them.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»This nations are no players in the globalistic sense, because in the globalistic sense players are private players (gloabl banks, global undertakers / companies, global organizations, global NGO's, ... and so on). But nations will as long exist as they will be needed as negative porjections by those said global players who can control them more efficiently, if they remain nations. In other words: the rulers of nations are bought by the global rulers (private gloabl players). Maybe the nations will vanish in the future, but currently they are still needed, namely for negaitive projection affairs.« **

There have been plans after Nafta to unify North America. But this will also meet a lot of resistance. So they have been eroding all boundaries and economic separations, without unifying in someformal way like the EU.“

They have to expand, regardless whether they want to or not. They have to.

Currently TTIP is on the march.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

Yes, they are not so natural; everything is symmetrical, too much artificial, too absolutistic, too ›French‹.« **

I have a hard time with French Culture. I generally do not like their films or Music, for the most part. I do not like the day to day temperment. I do not like their gardens or architecture. It is one of the last countries in Europe I would want to move to - setting aside economic and safety issues. IOW yes, I would choose France over Rumania, but man I have a problem with France. My parents even met there, in Paris, so in terms of nurture I had two French language speakers (as second languages) in my home who were attracted by French Culture, at least my father was, but I still prefer Spain, Germany, Italy as far as I can tell.

Are your parents French?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Do you still post there?« **


Should I join that forum?


I do not want to change the subject, but my wife - having read some of your ILP posts - told me to ask you whether you are interested in homeopathy (homoeopathy). She is a homeopath (homoeopath).



04.11.2015, 18:45

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Three? You mean him and his parents, I think.« **

Her and her parents, and yes.“

So it is a girl (or now: a woman).

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Do you have children?« **



Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»So we agree at least in the main points. I say that if you want to destroy something, then this something must be still there. So The Europeans and their nations are still there. If they were not, then the rulers could not destroy them.« **

For me it is not so binary. I Think the Europeans are still here, but the nation states are mostly destroyed.“

The nations will be sooner destroyed than the Europeans themselves. Nations are an European invention. But states are not an European invention, unless one means the „modern state“. If you compare two of my threads, namely (1) „Thinking about the END OF HISTORY“ (**|**) with (2) „Talking about the END OF STATES“ (**|**), then you can easily find out that it is easier to say „states will end soon“ than „history will end soon“, because history can go on without states but states not without history.

States are not completely destroyed yet but will be in the relatively near future.

Are you scared because of that?
Or do you think what the real (not the fashionable) punks said: „no future“? Or they said that because they were scared, even more scared than others?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Are your parents French?« **

No, English and Irish Canadian.

Have you been to Ireland too? I visited Ireland in 1980 (it was about six weeks after my visit of Denmark and Sweden [I told you]), after I had visited England, Scotland, and - really - North-Ireland (I am a man of risk!) and before I went to Wales and England (again).

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Should I join that forum?« **

I don't know. You might enjoy it.“

I do not know either.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I do not want to change the subject, but my wife - having read some of your ILP posts - told me to ask you whether you are interested in homeopathy (homoeopathy). She is a homeopath (homoeopath).« **

I have certainly been treated by homeopaths, though I must say, as much as I respect it, it does not seem to work on me as well as herbal medicine, something I know much more about. I utterly loved the first time I Went to a homeopath and he asked me things like 'which side of your body to do you sleep on?' than jumped to 'how do you get along with your mother?' in this seemingly endless series of trivial, important, highly emotionally charged, and other kinds of questions. I think the characters of the various salts. I like the ideas involved. But as a treatment modality for me, I am afraid I have decided to focus on others.“

She often says to me I would not take it seriously.


05.11.2015, 16:38

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Do you have children?« **


Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Pity!« **

Yes, Unfortunately I met my wife a little late in the game. The other women I have been with, I am glad I did not have a Child with.“

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»States are not completely destroyed yet but will be in the relatively near future.

Are you scared because of that?« **

Or do you think what the real (not the fashionable) punks said: ›no future‹? Or they said that because they were scared, even more scared than others?« **

Yes, I am scared of what is happening and what I think the next stages will look like. I think the punks tended to be on the angry side. I think people tend to have a tendency either towards fear or anger. I would tend to think the punks felt more than the average in general. Bluster it was perhaps, but still, I can undertand the urge to state the worst as if it has happened.“

I think we should exactly perceive what happens, think about it, and properly conclude. We have to dod it - at least for ourselves, for our lives, for our children, grandchildren, and all the next generations. We are not 100% powerless. We should try to stop the globalisic crime and madness, but we should not do it as a part of that globalistic system. We should be the living opposition.

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Have you been to Ireland too? I visited Ireland in 1980 (it was about six weeks after my visit of Denmark and Sweden [I told you]), after I had visited England, Scotland, and - really - Northern Ireland (I am a man of risk!) and before I went to Wales and England (again).« **

I haven't been to Ireland. Would like to. Though right now warmth calls more.“

Warmth, yes. So maybe you should spend a few weeks in the tropics?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»She often says to me I would not take it seriously.« **

WELL, she probably knows you well enough to know. I do take it seriusly, but it doesn't seem to be the best approach for me.“

I take it seriously, but she wants me to take it more seriously.



06.11.2015, 16:20

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I think we should exactly perceive what happens, think about it, and properly conclude. We have to dod it - at least for ourselves, for our lives, for our children, grandchildren, and all the next generations. We are not 100% powerless. We should try to stop the globalisic crime and madness, but we should not do it as a part of that globalistic system. We should be the living opposition.« **

I agree that we are not powerless, though my sense of my own Power is more on the non-newtonian, non-political side. Not that I am a magician or anything, but I have a sense that causation is more complicated than we have been taught, and that there are ways to shift things out there that do not involve force or persuasion or any methods that one normally Thinks of as currently accepted within physics. I am not saying one should not do other things, I just Think the chances that activism or any kind are going to shift things.“

I agree. I was not talking about violence but, for example, about boycotting as long as it is possible. I do not want this kind of immigration politics we were talking about, and I do not want genetically modified food, for example. There are many examples. I do not know how long opposition, resistance, and protest will be possible, but we should oppose, resist, and protest without any violence as long as possible.

Maybe it will not be successful, but it is better to do it than to do nothing, I think.

By the way: Where is the occupy movement?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»Warmth, yes. So maybe you should spend a few weeks in the tropics?« **

Yes, I am even looking for work in warmer places.“

Even in the tropics?

Moreno wrote:

„Arminius wrote:

»I take it seriously, but she wants me to take it more seriously.« **

Ah, well, that's good. I have seen so many relationships where one person, usually the man, is the realist or really the 'realist' and the woman gets to be the alternative, non-mainstream person, and each yearns for the other to come across the divide. Here it sounds like the divide is not so big, perhaps with just the right dynamic created by the differences.







A (Arminius [HB]) und JSS (James S. Saint)

25.12.2016, 21:36

Merry Christmas, James!

Frohe Weihnachten!






A (Arminius [HB]) und M (Moreno [MJ])

25.12.2015, 21:40

Merry Christmas, Moreno!

Frohe Weihnachten!






A (Arminius [HB]) und K (Kriswest)

25.12.2015, 21:42

Merry Christmas, (Kris[west]mas?), Kriswest!

Frohe Weihnachten!






A (Arminius [HB]) und JSS (James S. Saint)

25.12.2016, 23:00

Hey there, guy ... LTNS.

Merry Christmas





A (Arminius [HB]) und K (Kriswest)

26.12..2015, 00:01

Never thought of that play with my name:) . Thank you so much! And a very merry Christmas to you!!!
How are things going for you?





A (Arminius [HB]) und M (Moreno [MJ])


26.12.2015, 11:23

Fröhliche Weihnachten, Arminius.





HB und NN (Nick Nedzynski)

27.12.2015, 10:19

Sehr geehrter Herr Nedzynski.

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes, gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr und hoffe, bald wieder von Ihnen ein Zeichen zu empfangen. Gerade gestern noch habe ich wieder einmal Ihre Spengler und Jünger gewidmete Musik genossen. Danke noch einmal für diese wohlklingenden Töne!

Alles Gute!


27.12.2015, 18:00

Sehr geehrter Herr Brune,

ich bedanke mich aufrichtig bei Ihnen für Ihre Neujahrswünsche, deren Erhalt meinen Tag gerade erhellt hat. Ich erwidere hierbei Ihre schönen Grüße und ich hoffe, daß es Ihnen gut geht. Im Übrigen habe ich nach allzu vielen Jahren des musikalischen Schweigens vor, im Herbst 2016 die Arbeiten an einer neuen Lady Morphia-Platte zu beginnen. Schließlich habe ich mehr als vierzig unveröffentlichte Lieder, aus denen ich auswählen kann!

Es grüßt Sie recht herzlich Ihr

Nick Nedzynski


28.12.2015, 05:39

Sehr geehrter Herr Nedzynski.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Wünsche und Ihre Absicht, mit den Arbeiten für eine neue Lady-Morphia-Platte zu beginnen. Ich wünsche Ihnen dazu viel Erfolg und gestehe gern, sehr gespannt zu sein, ob und, falls ja, wem Sie Ihre neue Platte widmen werden.

Herzliche Grüße.


30.12.2015, 22:01

Sehr geehrter Herr Brune,

haben Sie allerbesten Dank für Ihre überaus freundlichen Worte, die ich sehr zu schätzen weiß! Diesmal wird die Platte wohl keinem bestimmten Denker oder Schriftsteller gewidmet sein. Stattdessen wird das Ganze thematisch um die Sinnbilder Licht und Feuer kreisen. Dementsprechend wird das Werk sich unter anderem mit Erleuchtung, Erhellung, schöpferischer Zerstörung und der Auferstehung aus der Asche, der Geburt einer neuen Welt bzw. neuer Welten sowie dem „göttlichen" Funken im Menschen beschäftigen - um nur einiges zu nennen.

Ich wünsche Ihnen für morgen eine wunderschöne Silvesternacht, und ich verbleibe mit herzlichen Grüßen Ihr

Nick Nedzynski


31.12.2015, 00:32

Danke sehr, werter Herr Nedzynski.

Ich erwarte Ihre neue Platte mit Freuden, werde sie, sobald es möglich geworden sein wird, käuflich erwerben, denn ich bin mir sehr sicher, daß sie mir gefallen wird.

Gerade eben, als sich der Wechsel vom 30. zum 31. Dezember 2015 vollzog, vernahm ich mehrere Silvesterknaller. Der „Zauber“ war nach einigen Minuten vorüber. Vielleicht haben einige Menschen das neue Jahr einen Tag zu früh begrüßt, vielleicht aber auch nur Gefallen daran gehabt, den Neujahrstag um genau einen Tag vorzuverlegen. Wie auch immer .... Ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes, gesundes und glückliches 2016 und hoffe, auch 2016 Zeichen von Ihnen erhalten zu dürfen.

Herzliche Grüße.




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