Kommentare zu Kommentaren im Weltnetz  Kommentare zu Kommentaren im Weltnetz  Kommentare zu Kommentaren im Weltnetz
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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<= [1621][1622][1623][1624][1625][1626][1627][1628][1629][1630] =>

Jahr  S. E. 
 2001 *  1
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2007 2
2008 2
2009 0  
2010 56
2011 80
2012 150
2013 80
2014 230
2015 239
2016 141
2017 160
2018 30
2019 18
2020 202
2021 210
2022 40
2023 40
P. Z.
S.E. (S.)
T. (S.)
P. Z.
S. E.
 K. (S.) 
S.E. (S.)
K. (S.)
T. (S.)
* Von 2001 bis 2006 nur Gästebuch, erst ab 2007 auch Webforen und Weblogs.

NACH OBEN 1621) Kultur, 01.07.2022, 22:08, 22:10, 23:20, 23:49 (8671-8674)


It can also be said that pretty much exactly when culture begins its stage of civilization, the priority of quantity over quality also begins (in the time before it was the other way around: priority of quality over quantity). Among other things one recognizes this priority also by the fact that always everything is measured according to quantity, thus also everything is reinterpreted in money; quality can be recognized ever more badly, because it is displaced ever more frequently by the quantity censorship into the meaninglessness.


Concerning psychologism and historicism:

I fight against psycholgism, as already Husserl and Heidegger did (**|**). But I do not fight historicism.

Husserl           Heidegger


For me that ([**] so also psychology) is only semiotics, i.e. language in the broadest sense.

I always start from the signs. It is always a matter of the signs having to be interpreted or understood correctly.


But there is no psyche in the sense „science“ and especially psychologism try to suggest.


NACH OBEN 1622) Hubert Brune, 16.07.2022; Kultur, 16.07.2022, 20:25, 20:48, 21:14 (8675-8678)


Danke für Ihren Gästebucheintrag Herr Shirsh (**).

Mann, bin ich froh, daß Sie nicht einer der beiden Stalker sind, die hier in letzter Zeit umherirren, mein Gästebuch für ihren geistigen Müll mißbrauchen und ständig von mir verlangen, ich solle mich so, als wäre ich ihr Ersatz-Vater, um ihre Minderwertigkeit kümmern. Da Sie Arthur Schopenhauer erwähnt haben, sei noch einmal gesagt, daß auch er - genauso wie Richard Wagner - eine solche Ersatz-Vater-Rolle für Friedrich Nietzsche gespielt hat. Man muß nur, wenn man kann, die damaligen gegen die jetzigen Verhältnisse austauschen, um genauer zu verstehen, was mit diesem Vergleich zwischen den beiden Stalkern und Nietzsche gemeint ist, die außer dieser Suche nach einem Ersatz-Vater mit Nietzsche ja gar nicht zu vergleichen sind, es sei denn, daß man auch noch deren Lebensalter berücksichtigt, denn die beiden Stalker sind in ihren 40er Jahren so wie Nietzsche zu jener Zeit in den seinigen, in der sein Wunsch nach einem Ersatz-Vater bereits solche Dimensionen angenommen hatte, daß er bald darauf in geistige Umnachtung fiel, also verrückt wurde, in die Irrenanstalt eingewiesen werden mußte.

Weil Sie dabei bleiben wollen, mein Webangebot „auch als eine Art Enzyklopädie zu erkennen“, so sprechen Sie damit die Gliederung meines Webangebots an. Diese Gliederung geht zurück auf die Anfänge der Geschichte meines Webangebots, die 1993 begann, also sogar noch acht Jahre vor dessen erster Veröffentlichung (20. April 2001 [**]), die ich bekanntlich als dessen „Geburt“ bezeichne. In der rechten Abbildung sehen Sie die Form, die mein Windows-Explorer für die Gliederung meines Webangebots anzeigt. Mein Webangebot besteht aus einer Enzyklopädie und einem Rest; zu dieser Enzyklopädie gehört ein Hauptthema und ein Rest; das Haupttheman wiederum umfaßt eine Gesamttheorie (Philosophie) und einen Rest; und diese Gesamttheorie (Philosophie) besteht aus vier Einzeltheorien und einem Rest. - „Es gibt in meinem Webangebot also auch Seiten, die nicht zur Enzyklopädie, nicht zum Hauptthema, nicht zur Gesamttheorie, nicht zu den vier Einzeltheorien, aber trotzdem zum Webangebot gehören; alles andere gehört ebenfalls zum Webangebot, aber eben auch zur Enzyklopädie. Nicht alles Enzyklopädische deckt sich mit dem Hauptthema, der Gesamttheorie und den vier Einzeltheorien; aber alles Hauptthematische, Gesamttheoretische und Einzeltheoretische gehört zur Enzyklopädie. Das Hauptthema deckt sich nicht in Gänze mit der Gesamttheorie und den vier Einzeltheorien; aber alles Gesamttheoretische und Einzeltheoretische gehört zum Hauptthema und also auch zur Enzyklopädie. Nicht alles Gesamttheoretische deckt sich mit den vier Einzeltheorien; aber alles Einzeltheoretische gehört zur Gesamttheorie, also auch zum Hauptthema und zur Enzyklopädie. Miteinander haben die vier Einzeltheorien lediglich Schnittmengen; und das bedeutet eben auch, daß keine dieser vier in irgendeiner anderen dieser vier vollständig enthalten, daß also keine dieser vier eine Teilmenge irgendeiner anderen dieser vier ist.“ **

Wie Sie schon sagten, zeugt die Aussage, daß mein „eigentlicher Webauftritt“, der doch ein „großer Dreitakter“ [**] ist, „auch schon etwas abschätzig kultureller Viertakter genannt“ (**) worden ist, von typisch menschlicher Auslese beim Lesen; wer nämlich so etwas sagt, hat nicht alles, sondern nur das, was selektiert werden soll, gelesen - ausgelesen. Ich gebe aber zu, daß mein „kultureller Viertakter“ (**), dieser „kleine Viertakter, einen bedeutenden Platz einnimmt innerhalb meines Eigenwebs (Heimwebs, Webangebots), das ja der „große Dreitakter“ ist. Aber ohne die anderen „kleinen Takter“ (**|**|**) wäre mein „mittlerer Viertakter“ - d.i. mein gesamttheoretischer (philosophischer) „Viertakter“ - um drei Takte „ärmer“.


Satyr wrote:

„An additional comment having to do with Cycles of Cultural ...:

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times

1) „Good times“ adjust an individual organ hierarchies and organ hierarchies determine personae (personality) and personalities determine socioeconomic hierarchies.

2) Sheltering - „good times“ - reduces the cost of survival, in turn reducing the severity of individual judgments and choices.
Minds become complacent, carefree and careless.
Nothing matters...all is meaningless.

3) „Good times“and abundance protect and propagates unfit mutations, reducing the overall quality of a population - in turn affecting the kinds of men that rise to power and are tolerated there.

So, psychology plays a major part in historical events.“ **

Psycholgy as part of a philosophy, yes, but not as part of a science.

Besides, the whole system is corrupt to the core anyway.

It is about power.

In the past, the monotheistic religions seduced their people with the word „soul“ to make them docile; today, the same is done in an even more disastrous way with the word „psyche“.


„Jeder Philosoph von Beruf ist gezwungen, ohne ernstliche Nachprüfung an das Dasein eines Etwas zu glauben, das sich in seinem Sinne verstandesmäßig behandeln läßt, denn seine ganze geistige Existenz hängt von dieser Möglichkeit ab. Es gibt deshalb für jeden noch so skeptischen Logiker und Psychologen einen Punkt, an welchem die Kritik schweigt und der Glaube beginnt, wo selbst der strengste Analytiker aufhört, seine Methode - gegen sich selbst nämlich und auf die Frage der Lösbarkeit, selbst des Vorhandenseins seiner Aufgabe - anzuwenden. Den Satz: Es ist möglich, durch das Denken die Formen des Denkens festzustellen, hat Kant nicht bezweifelt, so zweifelhaft er dem Nichtphilosophen erscheinen mag. Den Satz: es gibt eine Seele, deren Struktur wissenschaftlich zugänglich ist; was ich durch kritische Zerlegung bewußter Daseinsakte in Gestalt von psychischen »Elementen«, »Funktionen«, »Komplexen« feststelle, das ist meine Seele - hat noch kein Psychologe bezweifelt. Gleichwohl hätten die stärksten Zweifel sich hier einstellen sollen. Ist eine abstrakte Wissenschaft vom Seelischen überhaupt möglich?  Ist, was man auf diesem Wege findet, identisch mit dem, was man sucht?  Warum ist alle Psychologie, nicht als Menschenkenntnis und Lebenserfahrung, sondern als Wissenschaft genommen, von jeher die flachste und wertloseste aller philosophischen Disziplinen geblieben, in ihrer völligen Leerheit ausschließlich der Jagdgrund mittelmäßiger Köpfe und unfruchtbarer Systematiker?  Der Grund ist leicht zu finden. Die »empirische« Psychologie hat das Unglück, nicht einmal ein Objekt im Sinne irgend einer wissenschaftlichen Technik zu besitzen. Ihr Suchen und Lösen von Problemen ist ein Kampf mit Schatten und Gespenstern. Was ist das - Seele?  Könnte der bloße Verstand darauf eine Antwort geben, so wäre die Wissenschaft bereits überflüssig.“ (Oswald Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, 1918, S. 381-382 **).


„Every philosopher by profession is forced to believe without serious verification in the existence of something that can be treated rationally in his sense, because his whole mental existence depends on this possibility. Therefore, for every logician and psychologist, however skeptical, there is a point at which criticism is silent and faith begins, where even the strictest analyst ceases to apply his method - against himself, namely, and to the question of solvability, even of the existence of his task. Kant did not doubt the proposition: it is possible to determine the forms of thinking by thinking, however doubtful it may seem to the non-philosopher. The proposition: there is a soul (psyche) whose structure is scientifically accessible; what I determine by critical dissection of conscious acts of existence in the form of mental »elements«, »functions«, »complexes«, that is my soul (psyche) - has not yet been doubted by any psychologist. Nevertheless, the strongest doubts should have arisen here. Is an abstract science of the soul (psyche) possible at all? Is what one finds in this way identical with what one seeks? Why has all psychology, taken not as knowledge of man and experience of life, but as a science, remained from time immemorial the shallowest and most worthless of all philosophical disciplines, in its utter emptiness exclusively the hunting ground of mediocre minds and barren systematists? The reason is easy to find. The »empirical« psychology has the misfortune not even to possess an object in the sense of any scientific technique. Its search and solution of problems is a struggle with shadows and ghosts. What is it - soul (psyche)? If the mere mind could give an answer to it, science would already be superfluous.“


„Was nötig ist, die eigentliche große Aufgabe des 20. Jahrhunderts in der »psychologischen« Forschung, ist nicht irgendeine Psychologie (Klages), sondern die Geschichte der menschlichen Seele, ihrer Entstehung, Entwicklung, [ihres] Niedergang[es]; wie sie Leid auf Leid häuft, denn dem Tier gegenüber ist das menschliche Leiden, weil innerlich und über Gegenwart und Körper hinaus, ins Unendliche gesteigert. Der Mensch ist das seelisch leidende Tier. Das ist seine Tiefe, seine Größe. Deshalb ist die Weltgeschichte des Menschen eine Tragödie. Denn alles, was er ausdrückt, seine gesamte Kultur, sein Wollen und Kämpfen, Kunst, Religion, Staat, Krieg, ist aus dem Leiden an dem Dasein der Seele entstanden.“ (Oswald Spengler, Frühzeit der Weltgeschichte, postum, S. 31-32 **).


„What is necessary, the real great task of the 20th century in »psychological« research, is not just any psychology (Klages), but the history of the human soul (psyche), its origin, development, [its] decline; how it heaps suffering upon suffering, because compared to the animal, human suffering, because internal and beyond presence and body, is increased to infinity. Man is the animal suffering in soul (psyche). This is his depth, his greatness. That is why the world history of man is a tragedy. For everything that he expresses, his entire culture, his will and struggle, art, religion, state, war, has arisen from the suffering of the existence of the soul (psyche).“


NACH OBEN 1623) Kultur, 31.07.2022, 01:17, 19:00 (8679-9680)


Actually, there have been seven world wars to date. The first was the War of the Spanish Succession; the second was the Seven Years' War; the third was Napoleon’s War; the fourth was the one we call the „first“; the fifth was the one we call the „second“; the sixth was the one we call the „cold“ one, but it was anything but cold; the seventh is the one the U.S. alone has been waging since about 1990. The decisive factor in the definition of „world war“ is that such a war is not waged on just one continent, but on several continents.

The third, the fourth and the fifth were the world wars in which the unity of Europe was also included in the plan.

But it is decisive that with the sixth world war for the first time no European nation had the warlike leadership, and this has remained so until today. However, it must be added that since then something else is new: the decision-makers are no longer politicians, but only private individuals. If these private people want the USA to remain on top, then the USA will remain on top; if they want Europe to be on top, then Europe will soon be on top; if they want China to be on top, then China will be on top; what they want will come true - one way or another. Because we must not forget: these private globalists do not depend on any residence in any particular country, they do not depend on anything, because they have so much money that by now they have bought, for example, every important politician and everything else of importance.

It may be that some will displace the present most powerful among the globalists and buy other politicians: but this does not change anything about the fact that they too are private people and do not want to give up world domination either.

The most favorable course of action for the globalist privateers would be to bet on China and consequently supported it even more financially. Why? It is the easiest, i.e. the cheapest. They can reach their goals much faster with China than with Western nations or unions. Westerners are too individualistic, too freedom-loving, too intelligent, too expensive! They stand most in the way of the globalists, although they are Westerners themselves.


I am not actually pessimistic. When I say that the globalists can control pretty much everything, I do not mean that they will always succeed. They will soon (historically soon!) tear themselves apart. There will be similar scenes of rending as there were, for example, in the Roman republic/empire, when pure private men dominated both the military and the senate, and therefore the senate (and with it the republic) became weaker and weaker, and in the end only one solution remained: the principate. On the way to this principate, the most powerful - those private men - tore themselves more and more apart, bowled themselves out of the struggle for power, and only Octavian/Augustus was able or came into the position to put an end to this.

After these changes, a long-lasting „golden age“ may well dawn - that would be an optimistic prediction. But I prefer to hold back on optimism/pessimism questions. The Augustan Age has also become known as the „Golden Age“ of Rome. Many Romans, in view of the atrocious so-called „civil wars“ of the recent past, also judged it that way.

Satyr wrote:

„An additional comment having to do with Cycles of Cultural ...:

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times


Æon wrote:

„Europe is trying to make a comeback through NATO and the WEF.

Klaus Schwab, who I believe was in the Hitler Youth during his ages 4-7, was impressed by Hitler and National-Socialism. His »4th Industrial Revolution« is what he sees as a 4th Reich.“ **

Klaus Schwab, born in 1938, could not be in the Hitler Youth, because he was much too young for it.

Æon wrote:

„Schwab ... must not be ignored.“ **

Globalisten - Tempel der Hierarchie Globalisten - Tempel der Hierarchie
Nevertheless, Schwab should not be underestimated. He has been training „Young Global Leaders“ since 1971 and „Young Global Shapers“ since the end of the so-called „Cold War“, which, as I said, was not cold. When Schwab was still a youngster, he received input from Kissinger, who, by the way, received his BA degree summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa in political science from Harvard College in 1950. Kissingers senior undergraduate thesis, titled The Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant (**), was over 400 pages long, and was the origin of the current limit on length (35000 words). He received his MA and PhD degrees at Harvard University in 1951 and 1954, respectively. In 1952, while still a graduate student at Harvard, he served as a consultant to the director of the Psychological Strategy Board, and founded a magazine, Confluence. At that time, he sought to work as a spy for the FBI. **

Æon wrote:

„This is proving that, despite America's great gains in the 20th Century, Americans are no match at Global Politics compared to the Europeans, who have two millenniums under their belt, of dealing with hated enemies, and fierce rivalries. America is a relative newcomer to this stage, nationally and ethnically, or racially. Thus, a European Empire could very well rise again.“ **

Yes, it could.


NACH OBEN 1624) Alf, 01.08.2022, 13:33, 13:50, 13:59, 14:49, 15:23, 15:33; Kathrina, 01.08.2022, 16:00; Great Again, 01.08.2022, 17:38, 18:30 (8681-8689)


It is true that machines are cheaper than humans.

Sculptor wrote:

„As machines replace the work of humans, humans stop earning money and so are unable to purchase the work and products of the machines. When the economy shrinks the machines loose economies of scale and the machines get more expensive, since they are chasing an ever decreasing demand.“ **

This is, after all, why the supposedly „unconditional“ basic income is to be introduced. With the basic income, which will not be unconditional at all (conditions for consumption will be: time, place, manner), the products of the machines can be bought. Moreover, the population will be reduced. So there is a solution for the consumption; although again it is not a long-term one; but they already have a solution for that too: Transhumanism. Humans will disappear by becoming machines. They will then only consist of hardware and software - just like the machines consisting of hardware and software.


Machines are supposed to replace all humans, and humans are helping them do it by doing away with themselves.


At the moment, it does not look at all as if the EU will get out of its current absolute loser position.

Russia wants to sell its raw materials - it has no other advantages or significance. China and other countries want to buy Russian raw materials very much. The United States of America want to sell their raw materials - they have lost most of their other advantages or significance. The EU is the only „player“ in this „game“ that only loses. And this is not a coincidence.

China, the USA and Russia are now laughing at the EU - again.

Russia can continue to sell its raw materials, and in its own currency at that - it just makes profits. China now gets good quality raw materials from Russia and can be sure that it will not lose Russia as a partner so quickly. The USA can now sell their very expensive and very dirty, i.e. very poor quality raw materials, which they could not sell before, to the Europeans. China, the USA and Russia are now very happy.

Things are looking up for China, the USA, Russia and many others, while everything is going down the drain for Europe. It is full of culturally foreign people, who collect more than 90% of the social aid, has only few raw materials, has to do without the raw materials from Russia (there was and is no reason at all for Europe to do without - this is all part of a geostrategy of its enemies) and discriminates the typical Europeans, who are the most intelligent, most industrious and therefore also the most efficient people in the world - by far.

If I were a paid geostrategist and had to come up with a geostrategy against Europe, I would do the same as those who have been doing it for a long time.


Ichthus wrote:

„I identify as human-AI.“ **

Human intelligence is not artificial.

So if you want to consist of AI, then this is only possible as something artificial, technical, mechanical, made by humans, but not to be equated with them, i.e. something non-human.

So you are someone who either has never been a human being or is already no longer a human being (i.e. has made himself disappear as a human being).

I like your signature:

„To build up is to presuppose love; to be loving is to presuppose love; only love builds up. To build up is to erect something from the ground up - but, spiritually, love is the ground of everything. No human being can place the ground of love in another person’s heart; yet love is the ground, and we can build up only from the ground up. .... Take love away - then there is no one who builds up and no one who is built up.“ - Søren Kierkegaard.“


Ichthus wrote:

„You think humans are the only ones who can make intelligent creations?“ **

I did not say that. But as long as the proofs are missing, I can and will only assume what is already proven.


Human technology is a blessing and a misdeed at the same time. Unfortunately. But that is just typically human, at least typically occidental-human.


Alf wrote:

„Human technology is a blessing and a misdeed at the same time. Unfortunately. But that is just typically human, at least typically occidental-human.“ ** **

That is the reason why he will continue until he himself disappears through it. It is a tragedy.


Perhaps this (**) can also be understood according to the Hegelian dialectic. The human being on the last stage (synthesis) affirms the human being of the first stage (thesis) and negates the human being of the second stage (antithesis).


My work:

Cato d. J.

•   Cato (Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis; Cato Minor)   •


NACH OBEN 1625) Otto, 11.08.2022, 01:00, 01:07, 01:11, 01:17, 21:42 (8690-8694)


Does anyone know exactly how many people have already been vaccinated - worldwide and in each country?


Yes (**). But .... Who is paying?


The machines that can create intelligence have also been built by humans, even when machines build other machines: originally, all machines are built by humans.


New York Times ():

„More than 5.31 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 69.2 percent of the world population.“ **


You (**) have not understood me.

I have referred to the simple historical fact that it was originally men (and not the machines themselves!), namely occidental men, who invented, created the machines.

The capabilities of the machines are undoubtedly enormous (as you also say), but that is not what I was referring to with my statement.


NACH OBEN 1626) Sleyor Wellhuxwell, 21.08.2022, 01:02, 01:02, 01:16, 23:27 (8695-8698)


There was and is no USA support for Europe. It looks only to the stupidest and the brainwashed as if there would be such a support; in reality it is always only about the self-interests and the abuse of Europe for the goals of the USA, and this until Europe will be at the bottom.

The United States have never stood up for the interests of others. The same is true for China. Europe seems to be the only power that also stands up for the interests of others.


The world rulers are not only nazis, but also communists and liberalists. All together and in the most extreme form.

It is also about property ideals, more precisely about three property ideals: the liberalist/individualist, the communist-socialist and the national-socialist with the ultimate goals of distributing, entrusting and managing all the productive property in the world. At the moment, it looks like all three are being realized, and in the order mentioned, i.e., prority role.

The digital complex will manage everything!


Most humans do not even notice that they are becoming more and more like machines. So they will also not notice that and how the machines come into their brains. The mass vaccinations alone are an indication of this non-noticing.

About 80 percent of each nation always go along with everything.


Would you (**) be so kind and tell something more about it?


NACH OBEN 1627) Herr Schütze, 31.08.2022, 01:35 (8699)


„Wer Maske trägt, bestimme ich.“ (LUDWIG DER [Empfänger auch des] 14. [Monatsgehalts, 1. Vorsitzender der Krankheitsorganisation {KO}, bezahlt von allen Leistungs- und Maskenträgern]).

Derjenige, der bestimmt, wer Masken trägt, ist ein absolutistischer Herrscher, wie es Ludwig XIV. war, nur eben zu einer anderen Zeit, weshalb er mit seiner von niemandem einzuschränkenden Macht auf die heutige Zeit bezogen werden muß: Empfänger des 14. Monatsgehalts einerseits und 1. Vorsitzender der Krankheitsorganisation (KO) andererseits. In jedem Fall wird er bezahlt von Leistungs- und Maskenträgern, obwohl die ja eigentlich (d.h. in einem Rechtsstaat) selbst bestimmen sollten, ob sie Masken tragen oder nicht.


NACH OBEN 1628) Hubert Brune, 11.09.2022 (8700)


Danke für Ihren Gästebucheintrag, Herr Wenn (**).

Ich nehme an, Sie meinen mit den „Auführungen in diesem Gästebuch zu diesem Thema“ (**) meinen Text zum Thema Antike und Abendland bezüglich der Frage, was wäre oder nicht wäre, wenn Arminius keinen Erfolg gehabt hätte und über die linksrheinischen Gebiete Germaniens hinaus auch die rechtsrheinischen bis zur Elbe römische Provinz geblieben oder sogar auch noch die rechtselbischen bis zur Weichsel oder noch weiter eine solche geworden wären. (Vgl. meine Kommentare vom 28.07.2020 [**] und vom 30.07.2020 [**].
Arminius (etwa 17. v. Chr. - etwa 21 n. Chr.)Arminius (etwa 17. v. Chr. - etwa 21 n. Chr.)Germanicus (15. v. Chr. - 19 n. Chr.)
Hätte Arminius mit seiner Gefolgschaft aus verschiedenen germanischen Stämmen nicht über Rom gesiegt, wäre, wenn nicht weiterer Widerstand erfolgt wäre, vielleicht nach und nach ganz Germanien römisch geworden und keine faustisch-abendländische Kultur entstanden. Das ist die für alle weiteren Entwicklungen bis heute wichtigste Erkenntnis derjenigen Geschichte, in der es zwischen den Germanen und den Römern unvermeidlich zu immer größeren und sich zudem immer mehr zugunsten der Germanen auswirkenden Konflikten kam, d.h.: in der Zeit von 113 v.C., als bei Noreia (im heutigen Kärnten) die Kimbern und Teutonen die Römer besiegten, bis 476 n.C., als der Rom und ganz Italien erobert habende Ostgote Odowaker den letzten römischen Kaiser (er hieß Romulus Augustulus) absetzte, was das Ende Roms, das zuvor schon von anderen Germanen erobert worden war, endgültig besiegelte.

Am 17.11.2018 schrieb ich:

„Rom war einfach nicht fähig, ganz Germanien zu erobern, sondern konnte nur die linksrheinischen Gebiete Germaniens als Provinzen (Nieder- und Obergermanien [**|**|**|**]) bis zuletzt halten; zeitweise, nämlich von 12 v. Chr. bis 9 n. Chr., waren auch die germanischen Gebiete bis zur Elbe römische Provinz (**|**), jedenfalls offiziell, praktisch vielleicht eher nur die Gebiete bis zur Weser oder Oker oder Aller, später, seit 74, auch wieder das in diesem Gebiet zwischen Rhein und Elbe befindliche Dekumatland bis zum Limes (**|**), der 254 aufgegeben werden mußte (**). Germanien reichte aber in Richtung Osten sogar noch über die Weichsel hinaus (**|**) und in Richtung Norden bis Nordskandinavien, wo auch heute noch die germanische Nordgrenze ist. Die Römer hielten das Kaspische Meer für eine Bucht des nordischen Ozeans () und waren und blieben schon deshalb an einer Eroberung des ganzen Germaniens interessiert, denn für sie hätte diese Eroberung bedeutet, daß ihr Weltreich nur noch natürliche Grenzen gehabt hätte: den Ozean im Westen, Norden und Osten und die Wüsten im Süden (einschließlich Südosten und Südwesten). Wie gesagt: Schon Cäsar erstrebte diese natürlichen Grenzen für Rom, und die Umsetzung seiner diesbezüglichen Pläne begannen schon, bevor er ermordet wurde (**).

Die Behauptung bestimmter spätmoderner Geschichtswissenschaftler, daß Rom 9 n. Chr. (Varus’ Niederlage) oder 15/16 n. Chr. (Germanicus’ Scheitern) oder später die Eroberung Germaniens „aus Kostengründen“ aufgegeben hätte, ist falsch. Rom wollte und versuchte immer wieder, in die Lage zu kommen, Germanien zu erobern, und erst als es bemerkte, daß es zu dieser Eroberung nicht fähig war, gab es diese wegen seiner Unfähigkeit dazu auf. Roms diesbezüglicher Fehler lag also in seiner Unfähigkeit, ganz Germanien oder auch nur halb Germanien zu erobern und danach auch dauerhaft unter Kontrolle zu halten. Rom mußte nicht »verzichten« und tat es auch nicht, jedenfalls nicht wirklich, sondern hätte in Form bleiben müssen, doch in Form war es zu der Zeit, als es um die Eroberung Germaniens ging, nicht mehr.“ (Hubert Brune, E-Brief, 17.11.2018, 22:18 **).

Der Fehler der Römer gegenüber den Germanen in der Zeit von 113 v.C. bis 476 n.C. - das sind summarisch immerhin 589 Jahre (!) - war also nicht so sehr diese oder jene Strategie, sondern hauptsächlich der, daß die Römer gegenüber den Germanen zu der Zeit mehr für Roms Zukunft hätten tun müssen, als sie noch in Form waren. Doch die Zeit der Bürgerkriege, die in etwa von 133 v. Chr. bis 30 v. Chr. dauerte, ließ außenpolitische Erfolge nur im linksrheinischen Germanien, aber nicht in dem riesigen rechtsrheinischen zu, weil Roms innenpolitische Krisen so extrem waren, daß es allein dadurch schon fast zum Ende gekommen wäre; und danach war es zwar innenpolitisch gefestigter als in der Zeit der Bürgerkriege, doch außenpolitisch zu schwach für eine Eroberung des gesamten Germaniens. Wer innenpolitisch nicht in Form ist, kann dieses innere Nicht-in-Form-Sein durch außenpolitische Erfolge noch etwas berichtigen; wer anschließend aber auch noch außenpolitisch nicht in Form ist, kann dieses äußere Nicht-in-Form-Sein kaum noch berichtigen, auch dann nicht, wenn die innere Form etwas besser geworden ist oder eben doch nur besser geworden zu sein scheint.

Sicher ist also auch nicht, ob Cäsar der richtige Mann für die Eroberung des gesamten Germaniens gewesen wäre, obwohl er die ja auch strategisch gut durchdacht und geplant hatte, ja sogar kurz vor seiner Ermordung schon dabei war, sie zunächst einmal, in der ersten Stufe sozusagen, durch Siege über die Parther und andere Völker vorzubereiten. Denn Cäsar wollte nach dem Sieg über die Parther u.a. vom Partherreich aus in Richtung Kaukasuspässe und Kaspisches Meer, das damals als eine Bucht des nordischen Ozeans galt (), also von Südosten und Osten her den Germanen in den Rücken fallen, sie von hinten überfallen (sozusagen), so daß Rom als Weltreich nur noch vom Ozean und von Wüsten umgeben wäre. (Vgl. Eduard Meyer, Caesars Monarchie und das Principat des Pompejus, 1918, S. 472-475, bes. 475). Dieser Krieg Cäsars war schon in Vorbereitung, bevor Cäsar ermordet wurde.

Vgl. in meinem E-Brief vom 18.11.2018 unter dem Titel: „Rom konnte gegen Germanien einfach nicht gewinnen“. **

Lug und Betrrug
Zu den Anschlägen auf New York und Washington am 11.09.2001.

Wenn die Anschläge auf New York und Washington atomar erfolgt wären und dabei beide Städte völlig zerstört worden wären, dann wäre mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit viel mehr Panik ausgebrochen, auch bei den Politikerdarstellern, weil in dem Fall die Wahrscheinlichkeit für weniger Lüge und mehr Wahrheit ebenfalls höher gewesen wäre.

Wohl nicht zufällig reimt sich „Nine Eleven“ auf „Twelve Seven“ und auch auf Two Twenty Seven“. **

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Hubert Brune


NACH OBEN 1629) Kultur, 15.09.2022, 01:01, 01:02, 13:44, 14:57, 18:01, 18:35, 21:48, 22:19, 23:07 (8701-8709)


Satyr wrote:

„Tansu Yegen wrote:

»In the Seoul zoo, two elephants rescued baby elephant drowned in the pool ....« **


A very beautiful film (**) - more beautiful than any romance, no matter how schmaltzy.

One more reason to love animals, especially those that have intelligence. Why? Compassion is more present, the larger and/or more complex the brain is.



There was no „flood of immigrants from post-war WWII Germany into the United States“ (**)! The flood from Germany took place in the 19th century. The first German emigrants to North America came already at the end of the 17th century and in the 18th century. Germany had colonies only from 1884 to 1918 (in Africa, China, New Guinea and the Pacific). It lost very few of its population through emigration to the colonies - unlike Spain, Portugal, England and France). So many of those Germans who came from families with many children (19th century) went to the USA - they could not get ahead in the colonies. But in the 20th century the number of German emigrants was extremely small. The only „emigrants“ of great number, who „emigrated“to USA at the end of World War II, were engineers, technicians and scientists, especially those who were Nazis, because they could be blackmailed! Think e.g. of Wernher von Braun and his large team, who were deported to the USA in 1945 („Operation Paperclip“, „Operation Overcast“ and others). They all did not want to go to prison, and therefore they submitted to the compulsion to go to the USA and to make their services available there in matters of technology and science.

Wernher von Braun und seine Mannschaft
Wernher von Braun and his crew - 104 rocket scientists (aerospace engineers) at Fort Bliss, Texas.

At the end of the 2nd World War, Germany was still decades ahead of its nearest competitor, the USA. The USA had a lot of catching up to do. That’s why there were all these deportations of German engineers, technicians and scientists. With their help, the USA could catch up faster (besides, the Soviets had done the same in their sector of occupation, and it was to be feared that the Soviet Union could also catch up), and thanks to blackmail as a means, it succeeded very well.

There are also interesting documentaries on this topic.


Topic: Peter Sloterdijk and „The Awful Children of the Neuzeit“.

Peter Sloterdijk and „The Awful Children of the Neuzeit“.

In the Originaltext, the book published in 2014 is called „Die schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit“, which you may translate with „The Terrible Children of the Modern Era“ or, as I did, with „The Awful Children of the Neuzeit“.

In the following interview, Sloterdijk explains what the book is mainly about.

Interview - Peter Sloterdijk, »Die schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit«

Sloterdijk knows that the awful children of the neuzeit do not have much time left for the correction of their wrong development. It is a bottomless dead end.

For Sloterdijk, „the suspension of corruption“ is the „serious case of learning. Whoever is a learner does not merely accumulate information. This one understands that real learning has something of a conversion. - If there were a counterpart in cultural theory to that which embodies the holy of holies in the Catholic altar structure, it could be nothing other than that most dilapidated term of the present day: »learning«. In the coming century, it should be guarded like a numinous presence in a revelatory tent. On rare days, it might be allowed to be unveiled for a few moments. Is not the suspicion well-founded that learning is the unknown God, of whom it was said at that time in a note of seer-like darkness that only such a one could still save us (**)?“ Translated by me. **

The awful (perhaps the word „terrible“ is more appropriate after all) children of the neuzeit should finally learn!


Table of the book's content (translated from German into English by me):

Preliminary remarks:
Of heritage, sin, and modernity.

Chapter 1:
The permanent flood. On a bon mot of Madame de Pompadour.

Chapter 2:
Dasein in the hiatus or: The modern triangle of questions.
De Maistre - Chernyshevsky - Nietzsche.

Chapter 3:
This disturbing surplus of reality.
Anticipatory remarks on the process of civilization after the rupture.

Chapter 4:
History lesson. Seven episodes from the history of the druft into the bottomless: 1793 to 1944/1971.
- Paris, January 22, 1793, about eight o’clock in the evening.
- Paris, December 2, 1804.
- Zurich, February 5, 1916.
- Jekaterienburg, the night of July 16-17, 1918.
- Moscow, March 13, 1938.
- Posen, October 4, 1943.
- Bretton Woods, July 22, 1944 / Washington, August 15, 1971.

Chapter 5:
The over-id: of the stuff of which successions are made.
1) In the copy store of evolution.
2) The patriarchal mind and the transmission chain.
3) Monsters-procreations in the hiatus: chimeras and philosopher disciples.
4) The bastard of God: the Jesus caesura.

Chapter 6:
The great release.
1) Ecce homo novus.
2) Irregular births.
3) The children of the abyss. From mysticism as antigenealogical revolt
4) The glorious bastards march up.
5) Creative discrimination: legal and illegal. A tryptych.
6) Not a word more about descent. Voiture - de Sade - Jefferson - Emerson - Stirner - Marx - Deleuze/Guttari.

In the Delta.

Year of publication: 2014.


Kissinger and the year 1971 (and a bit Nixon too).

1971) July: Kissinger, Nixon's official foreign and security policy advisor, begins his first secret „visit“ to China (in October: his next secret visit to China).

1971) On August 15, Nixon cancels the gold peg of the U.S. dollar.

1971) Mid October: Kissinger, Nixon's official advisor on foreign and security policy, begins his second secret „visit“ to China.

1971) On October 21, the seats of the „People's Republic“ of China in the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations are transferred from the founding member Republic of China to the People's Republic of China (Resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly), after more and more states have recognized the „People's Republic“ of China, but especially after Kissinger has „visited“ it twice.


Æon wrote:

„I'm referring to the Jews who were displaced from Central Europe (not just Germany), due to their fear of Nazi Germany and Hitler, along with excessive Marxists and Communists.

They didn't want to live in, or during the aftermath, of Germany/Berlin's failed war. Most went 'West', into the United States gladly, rather than the Soviet Union, although a fraction did emigrate Eastward.

These Jews then quickly went to work in the United States, highly motivated, to never let »Whites/Europeans« have control over Mass Media, since they saw this as the primary Cause by which Hitler gained power in Central Europe.“ **

But the Third Reich (Germany of the Austrian Hitler) had conquered all of Europe (exception: England, Ireland, Iceland), so that not only in Germany, but in all of German-occupied Europe, power emanated from Hitler. There was collaboration all over Europe! And in most non-German countries of Europe the percentage of Jews was higher than in Germany.

Æon wrote:

„They sent their kids to Journalism, all across the United States. Then their kids/grandkids began to takeover Journalism/Media from the 1940s, to today, in America.

Simply observe the change of control, and direction of Hollywood from 1950 to today.“ **

Yes. A terrible change!

Not only that they have learned from Hitler in this sense. They have also in terms of Hitler's ideology. Noah Yuval Harari, for example, is a Jew who is enthusiastic about National Socialists. He has written in some of his books (see, e.g.: A Brief History of Mankind, 2013; Sapiens, 2014 and 2020) named three humanist religions: (1.) liberalism; (2.) socialism; (3.) evolutionary humanism. Humanistic religions put the human being in the center and want to improve him. Most important for this are (1.) for liberalism the individual, (2.) for socialism the collective, (3.) for evolutionary humanism e.g. national socialism and transhumanism. This is what the homosexual Jew Noah Yuval Harari says. He is an advisor of Klaus Schwab. Of all things, a homosexual Jew advises Klaus Schwab, whose father was decorated by the National Socialists for National Socialist services and enjoyed National Socialist privileges. A coincidence? Hardly. National Socialism and transhumanism, then, are most important to evolutionary humanism, which is one of the three humanistic religions centering on man and seeking to improve him. The faith, the religion, the idea, the idealism, the ideology of the human change is always directed also to the state of the technology. So, the three humanistic religions are also directed according to the state of the art. From this follows that transhumanism as the newest variant of evolutionary humanism is directed after the state of the technology of its time. Now it is so that the digital offers itself almost in a perfect way to carry out a human manipulation, particularly since also the rest of the technology can guarantee that implants, chips, nanobots are not rejected by the human body. So transhumanism wants manipulated humans (those 99.99% of all humans), and as slaves. The offer of technology is just too tempting. Besides, the „if-I-don't-do-it, someone-else-does-it“ excuse helps.


Should we condemn the technology itself or the people abusing it or both the technology and the technology abusers or neither the technology nor the technology abusers?


He (**) is much more „anarcho“ than „communistic“. Thus: much more chaotic than ideological. Ideological but almost without logic - so mostly just ideo. Chaotic in every way. And very stupid.


Peter Sloterdijk, „Die schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit“, 2014 Peter Sloterdijk, „Die schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit  -  Uuml;ber das anti-genealogische Experiment der Moderne“, 2014

Is it possible to develop without a conservative element? No. That is why I think that the real message in this book is this:


Already the genetic processes in every life are conservative. So someone who rejects the conservative can only be against life.

No living being can live without origin, without descent, without lineage, and for the living beings which reproduce sexually, it is also true that they cannot live without parents. Who denies all this, wants to cheat, wants the world power, is megalomaniac and persuades the mass of the people that they can become machines (keyword: transhumanism).

Also, for the people, as they are culturally constituted since the Neolithic Revolution, without tradition a culture is not possible at all.

The antigenealogical experiment of modernity (however we want to define „modernity“) is an experiment doomed to failure from its very beginning.


Destruktivistischer Bau


NACH OBEN 1630) Kultur 19.09.2022, 01:00, 01:04, 01:09, 01:15, 01:19, 01:25, 01:29, 13:38, 14:34, 14:49, 14:54, 17:32, 17:34, 18:51, 20:48, 21:14, 22:05, 23:17, 23:18, 23:19 (8710-8729)


The Englishmen are Anglo-Saxons - Angles and Saxons -, originally from Germany. They belong to the German tribes. So Englishmen (Anglo-Saxons) are stll very closely related to them. Today, the Angles in Germany belong to the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, the Saxons in Germany to the federal states of Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. The populations of these federal states make up at least 40% of the German population. Other Saxon tribes exist in the Netherlands.

There is no „Anglican race“ (**). There is an Anglican Church, but there is no Anglican race. Nor is there really an Anglo-Saxon „race“, for the race to which the Anglo-Saxons belong, and precisely also the Angles and Saxons in Germany, as well as all other Germans, indeed all Germanic peoples, even also all Romanic peoples, Greeks, Baltics, Slavs and other people, if their language belongs to the Indo-Germanic language family and their race to the White race, is the White race.

The term „race“ should always be defined before used. „Race“ can be defined biologically and also non-biologically, e.g. culturally. An example: Someone says: „Dieses Weib hat Rasse“ („This woman has race“ [is such a sentence even semantically possible in English?]. What is meant here is not the biological race, but the attraction, attractiveness that has an effect on most men (except donnasues etc.), but also being-in-shape can be meant.

Germanics do not differ racially (in the biological sense) at all; this is also valid for Germanic and Romanic peoples, for all Whites. The most suitable name for the biological race is „White“, the second most suitable „Europide“ (in this word, however, the geographical term „Europe“ is contained, but not few Europides do not live in Europe anymore).

Something else is the nation, the people, the Volk.

In the USA, only the Indians are actually the natives and therefore the nation. All others have immigrated, either voluntarily or or forcefully (like the Negro slaves).

Most of the population of the USA are German:

Abstammung des Volkes der USAAbstammung des Volkes der USA

We - the White race - must stick together, stand together, fight together! If we do not, we - the White race - will perish!

This shellacking and ripping off of nutrients and other energies, that you speak of (**), affects all Whites, or at least Western Whites. The rhetorical trick is that they are reproached with certain behaviors of the past, so that they get a bad conscience and are therefore more willing to be exploited. With the Germans it is national socialism, sometimes colonialism, with the US people it is Indian extermination and Negro slavery, with certain other Whites it is colonialism, collaboration with German national socialism. And some „chauvinism“, „misogyny“, „xenophobia“, „war crimes“, etc. are always issues to exploit Whites anyway. Even with the Swedes they found something, although just the Swedes have not been „conspicuous“ at all since the last 300 years. All Western White states are made out to be rogue states (the first one was France [see Revolution of 1789 ff., Napoleon], but even worse it affects their inhabitants. But why is it so? If one looks more closely, one finds that Eastern Whites are hardly affected by these exploitations. Why? They are not or not yet rich enough!

Behind all the seemingly so „moral judgments“ is the greed for money, richness, power.

When the Western Whites will be impoverished, the moral sirens will have stopped howling!

As you are rightly saying, „they lumped 'all whites' in with Nazi Germany“ (**), that is their strategy. Initially, namely starting slowly in 1945 and increasing steadily and ever more rapidly over the next decades, all Germans were lumped into this Nazi pot. Not all Germans were Nazis, not even all NSDAP members were really, i.e. convinced Nazis. (It is a joke, if it were not so serious, that a 97 years old man, who as a 20 years old guarded a concentration camp, thus 77 years ago, in 1945, at the end of the 2nd World War, is now sentenced to imprisonment [and: why has he not been sentenced earlier, if not because this whole hysteria has increased so much only since the last decades?]). All White people are thrown into this Nazi pot - you are right about that -, but getting upset about it only makes things worse. You talked about Freud, who emigrated to Anglo-Saxony (England) in 1933, and his nephew Bernays, who emigrated to the USA as a baby already in 1892, didn't you? They and others (also the Hollywood makers!) have ensured with their propaganda machinery - together we call it the „mass media“ - that war is constantly and increasingly waged against us. In the so-called „psychotherapy“, which was invented by Freud out of nothing, exactly the same happens, when the „patient“ gets upset against the assertions of his ill „therapist“ and this insinuates to that one a „defense mechanism“ („Abwehrmechanismus“ [Freud]), at which he is ill. Each excitement becomes the defense mechanism, and nobody dares more to say at all still something, but subordinates itself to the will of the „psychotherapy“ dad ever more.

Europeans began to learn how to lose already in 1918 - some more, others less - because 1918 was the fateful year for Europe, which since then has lost more and more of its power and more and more quickly. From the point of view of the USA it was exactly the other way round: since 1918 great gains in power, since 1945 such great gains in power that one can speak of „the only remaining world power“. In reality, of course, behind the respective political powers there are private powers that are much more powerful than the political ones. That is why it is no wonder that since the 1960s, and especially since the 1990s or the turn of the millennium, things have been going downhill faster and faster, even in the USA, because the world rulers are private and can therefore live where they want and dictate what they want. This must seem like a nightmare to every U.S. citizen, because such an experience is a first for U.S. citizens in their young history, while Europeans can sing a song about it that is almost as old as the entire history of Europe, but the most tragic song about it is the disaster of 1918.


Yes, you are right.

Donnasue is the one who creates political strawmen to destroy biological facts.

Not coincidentally, Donnasue - projecting the own faults and problems onto others - reminds me of many ILP members and especially of one very specific ILP member.

Back to the topic, which I hope will not be subject to another destruction attempt by an unqualified like Donnasue.

Peter Sloterdijk (ibid, pp. 392-396 [in the original text] **), translated by me:

„The attack on hereditary differences is paid for with the unleashing of permanent competition between new, ostensibly equal-opportunity candidates for the better places, which inevitably produces countless losers. This may explain the socio-psychologically paradoxical effect why modern societies have to struggle with the chronic darkening of their basic mood in the face of historically unprecedented high prosperity, massive redistribution and exploding life expectancy.

In the Europe of the transitional centuries between the Middle Ages and modernity, a psychopolitical process is taking place which, in analogy to the transformations of the same period in the economic field, could be characterized as an initial accumulation of dissident, subversive, revolting subjectivity - perhaps as a founding phase of subjectivity without epithets.

In this period, the phenomenon of terrible children becomes chronic and obsessive. Now the offspring of the hiatus shoot up everywhere - partly filiation-capable, partly filiation-unwilling descendants of more or less problematic parents, driven by the impossibility, which becomes clear to them, of entering »social life« as loyal copies of their producers.

Kafka’s letter to his father (Brief an den Vater, written in November 1919, published in 1952), exemplary in its detail, its memory-strong bitterness, and its resigned conciliation, therefore represents much more than the local testimony of an accidental transgression between parent and child. It is the monument of a risk of alienation that chronically wanders through the families of modern times, Jewish, Christian, and secular. In both its polemical and pacifying tendencies, it reveals that it is not infrequently the soul work of children pressing for clarification that bridges the hiatus between generations with accommodating gestures. It was probably not so much the »work of mourning« that was important in bridging the genealogical intervals among the moderns, but the work of being able to forgive. Wasn’t the 20th century thereby the psychoanalytic age, because it introduced a new regime in the treatment of awful children of hardly less awful parents by the invention of »psychotherapy«? Wasn’t Sigmund Freud the most successful interpreter and exploiter of the designated awfulness so far, by bringing it into the soliloquy of bourgeois culture under the term »Neurose« ( »neurosis«)? And didn’t Freud - with whatever right - place the greater part of the terrible with the children, when he endowed them, after the abandonment of the »seduction theory«, with a passably monstrous drive life?

The process, as disturbing as it is fascinating, is fueled by a single motive, widespread across all social strata and existentially inescapable for those affected: at every moment and everywhere, in the world age of awakening aspirations, it is a matter of the progressive delegitimization of the »existing« through the objections of the disenfranchised and illegitimate, presented openly or acting in secret - whether they are the bearers of a stigma of origin, the victims of a status disadvantage, or the subjects of an inherited disenfranchisement. Wherever one opens the book of rebellious and bastard modernity, one regularly encounters criminals of lost or never proven honor.

It was practically throughout hereditary positional disadvantages that provoke in their holders the direct comparison with the better-off and dissolved the reflex of non-agreement with the situation and its preconditions in the system of norms of »society«.

What is called egalitarianism in today’s discourses can be easily recognized in its more concrete beginnings, in retrospect, as the offensive of the bastards and other bearers of hereditary disadvantages against the existing system of legally entrenched discriminations. Anyone listening in on the word »equality« will notice choruses of resentment and bitterness.

From the age of the religious wars, the bastard scheme spills over into the political sphere ....

As the most momentous movement in this field eriwes the foundation of the United States of America which owed the consolidation of its independence, declared in 1776, to a persistently fought battle for decolonization, sealed by the Peace of Paris in 1783. The bastard constitution of the U.S., evidenced from the beginning and never denied later, may be one of the reasons why there is a heightened, occasionally eccentric sensitivity to problems of post-coloniality in other cultures in this country to this day, namely in its multi-culturally agitated, multi-aspirationally confused academia. It includes a tendency to misinterpret the most absurd metastases of post-colonial activisms as precursors of emancipations.“ **


„And you shall call no one father on earth ....“
–  Jesus Christ  –

Peter Sloterdijk (ibid, pp. 288 and 291 [in the original text] ** **), translated by me:

„With the appearance of the fatherless Jesus of Nazareth, the most terrible child in the history of the world, a new form of personalization is connected in psychohistorical view, which starts from the direct indwelling of the patro-poietically generated father in the inspired son. The Christian pattern of medial personhood aims at the Real Presence of the Over-Father in the Over-Son. Whatever the Son says and does, according to his own conviction the Father says and does presently actual through him. John summarizes the facts in the formula, whereafter the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (cf. John, 1:14).“ **

The whole of Paul's writing can be read as if he ceaselessly circled around the phrase that was unpronounceable for him, »Where generation was, imitative discipleship shall become«. We no longer beget, we baptize and call forth. We do not reproduce, we teach and convert. We no longer believe in a future that lies in our own children, we are preparing for an entirely different world that will be opened up to us by the imminent end of the current aeon.“ **


Satyr wrote:

„Apocalypsis wrote:

»The ‘Great Reset’ began when Nixon closed the gold window in 1971. It is a controlled disintegration of the world economy. The City of London and Wall Street are trying to crush Russia and China to save their bubble of at least one quadrillion of worthless speculative assets.« **


Kultur wrote:

„Kissinger and the year 1971 (and a bit Nixon too).

1971) July: Kissinger, Nixon's official foreign and security policy advisor, begins his first secret »visit« to China (in October: his next secret visit to China).

1971) On August 15, Nixon cancels the gold peg of the U.S. dollar.

1971) Mid October: Kissinger, Nixon's official advisor on foreign and security policy, begins his second secret »visit« to China.

1971) On October 21, the seats of the »People's Republic« of China in the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations are transferred from the founding member Republic of China to the People's Republic of China (Resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly), after more and more states have recognized the „People's Republic“ of , but especially after Kissinger has»visited« it twice.“ ** **

So the year 1971 was indeed a meaningful year. Yet, the abolition of the linkage of the gold to the dollar was not the cause or the beginning, but already one, perhaps the first large consequence on the constant demands of the high finance. These demands were and are euphemistically called „liberalization“, „liberalization of the markets“, „openness“, „no borders“ „transparency“, „globalization“.


„The main theorem of civilization dynamics is: In the world process after the hiatus, more energies are constantly released than can be bound under forms of civilization capable of being handed down.“ (Peter Sloterdijk (ibid, pp. 85 [in the original text **], translated by me).


Kultur wrote:

„This shellacking and ripping off of nutrients and other energies, that you speak of (**), affects all Whites, or at least Western Whites. The rhetorical trick is that they are reproached with certain behaviors of the past, so that they get a bad conscience and are therefore more willing to be exploited. With the Germans it is national socialism, sometimes colonialism, with the US people it is Indian extermination and Negro slavery, with certain other Whites it is colonialism, collaboration with German national socialism. And some „chauvinism“, „misogyny“, „xenophobia“, „war crimes“, etc. are always issues to exploit Whites anyway. Even with the Swedes they found something, although just the Swedes have not been „conspicuous“ at all since the last 300 years. All Western White states are made out to be rogue states (the first one was France [see Revolution of 1789 ff., Napoleon], but even worse it affects their inhabitants. But why is it so? If one looks more closely, one finds that Eastern Whites are hardly affected by these exploitations. Why? They are not or not yet rich enough!

Behind all the seemingly so „moral judgments“ is the greed for money, richness, power.

When the Western Whites will be impoverished, the moral sirens will have stopped howling!“ ** **

„The height of the revolutionary movement was in the period from Tib. and C. Gracchus to Sulla, but the struggle against the leading class and its entire tradition began a full century earlier by C. Flaminius, whose agrarian law of 232 Polybius (II, 2 I) rightly described as the beginning of the demoralization of the mass of the people. This development was only temporarily interrupted and distracted by the war against Hannibal, towards the end of which slaves had already been recruited into the »citizen army«. Since the assassination of the two Gracchi - and their great opponent, the younger Scipio Africanus - the state-preserving powers of ancient Roman tradition were rapidly fading away. Marius, coming from the lower classes and not even from Rome, raised the first army, which was no longer formed on the basis of general conscription but from paid volunteers personally attached to him, and with it ruthlessly and bloodily intervened in the internal affairs of Rome. The old families, in which for centuries statesmanship and a moral sense of duty had been bred and to which Rome owed its position as a world power, were for the most part exterminated. The Roman Sertorius tried to found a counter-state there with the barbarian tribes of Spain, and Spartacus called upon the slaves of Italy to destroy the Romanism. The war against Jugurtha and the conspiracy of Catilina showed the decay of the ruling classes themselves, whose uprooted elements were ready at any moment to call to the aid of the national enemy and the mob of the Forum for their dirty money interests. Sallust was absolutely right: Rome's honor and greatness, its race, its idea have perished on cash money, for which the mob and the rich speculators were equally greedy. But this metropolitan mass, converging from all sides, was not mobilized and organized from within - as it is today - to fight for its »right« to self-government, its »freedom« from the pressure of the ruling classes, but as a means to the ends of business politicians and professional revolutionaries. It is from these circles that »dictatorship from below« has developed as the necessary ultimate consequence of radical democratic anarchy, then as now. Polybius, who possessed statesmanlike experience and a keen eye for the course of events, foresaw this with certainty thirty years before C. Gracchus: »If they are after high offices of state and cannot obtain them on the basis of personal merit and ability, they waste money by baiting and seducing the masses in any way they can. The result is that through this political striving the people become accustomed to taking gifts and covetous of money without work: Thus democracy comes to an end, and violence and the right of fists take its place. For as soon as the crowd, accustomed to live on other people's property and to base the hope of its subsistence on the property of others, finds an ambitious and determined leader, it passes to the use of the power of its fists. And now, gathering herself together, she rages with murder and expulsion, appropriating the property of others, until, completely savaged, she falls into the power of an unrestrained dictator.« (VI, 9). .... »The real catastrophe, however, will be brought about by the guilt of the masses, when they believe themselves aggrieved by the greed for money of some, while the ambition of others, flattering their vanity, tempts them to hubris. In anger it will rise up, will give ear only to passion in all negotiations, will no longer render obedience to those who lead the state, will not even grant them equal rights, but will demand for itself the right of decision in everything. When it comes to that, the state will adorn itself with the most beautiful names, those of freedom and government of the people by itself, but in reality it will have acquired the worst form, ochlocracy, the dictatorship of the mob.« (VI, 57).“ (Oswald Spengler, Jahre der Entscheidung, 1933, pp. 59-60, translated by me **).


Behind every kind of democracy there is money as the plutocracy.

In the beginning of a democracy everything is still fine, because the money people have to start with their influence, but it is already there, even strong, but not yet in power. In the next phase of the democracy it comes over war to exactly the decision which is irreversible in the last phase of the democracy, because the money people rule everything in the last phase of the democracy.

So the degeneration form of democracy - the ochlocracy - begins in the middle of the second and ends with the end of the third phase of democracy.

We are in the third phase.


I spoke about the English and the Germans objectively, not subjectively like you (**), because objectively (scientifically speaking) is what can be proven and is proven, as I said. What I said is quite simple to prove.


Funny that you don't know that the Angles and Saxons conquered Britain in the 5th century. All the Britons fled (to the area named after them: Brittany [Bretagne {French}]) when they heard about it, so the Angles and Saxons had an easy time in their conquest.

Also, it is not important for an objectivist (scientist) how much subjective the English deal with their own history. Fact remains fact. What is dangerous about the subjectivity of the English, of which you spoke, is just that they do not notice how about the divide-and-rule principle, which their rulers themselves so often applied (in the colonies and on the European continent), divides them themselves today, so that the rulers can rule over them more comfortably. It is stupid to see one's own history as it has not been.

Again, I am an objectivist (scientist). What I have demonstrated is no art, as you want to suggest with your „picture“ (**). It is proven that all Anglos and Saxons - Angles and Saxons - are from Germany. There are these tribes still in Germany and in England.

But since you live so far away from Europe - in America - you know too little about it. That is what I meant, that we have to stick together. We need to know each other better. Disunity (division) - of whatever kind - only helps the rulers.

So I am also concerned that we, who are in the same boat, get along in this boat and do not capsize it by constantly pushing it back and forth (the disunity, the separation), so that we sink - in the truest sense of the word.

You give me the impression that you want to avoid the downfall of the USA, but not that of the Europeans, even though, as I said, by far the majority of US Americans are of European descent. With this attitude, however, you will not get far, but only make things worse.

You won't get anywhere with your typical U.S. view: WASP, for example. WASP is no race, but an ideology.


You (**) are the one who should take a look at all that.

There are tribes not only in Germany, but also in all other Western and Central European countries. It can't be otherwise, because Europeans have a history at least 4000 years old. You don't have to look at those maps, which were created by pure arbitrariness of the winners of the recent wars, but those, which are older and refer to a very long period of time, mostly more than 1000 years. In Germany there are no „tribes“ fighting each other, as you wrongly said, not even federal states - this is at best propaganda to be believed by people who are far enough away from Germany - US citizens, Canadians, Australians etc. -. -; many of these former tribes are spread out into several federal states. Why? Is it alienation? Is it arbitrariness? In any case, they are not fighting each other.

It is nonsense to claim that there is no European unity, and I mean the cultural one: the Occidental culture. Everyone in Western and Central Europe knows that.

And if one (not you, because you do not want to [for subjective reasons]) goes further, then one has to admit that Europeans are White, the White race. Regardless whether you subjectively „find“ it ok or not.

Race is not what you subjectively think it is, nor is it what the US ideology (WASP for example) thinks it is.


Satyr wrote:

„White = European.
European = the western branch of the Indo-European race.

If Europeans do not find their ancient roots....as Kultur said.....they will perish.“ **

Exactly. That is what I have said and why I have said it.

But Æon did not not understand or not read it, unfortunately.


My username alone stands for this.

I do not want our culture to perish. And if so many are simply too stupid to understand that, then they will be among the first to perish, or, more likely, have already perished.


@ Æon.

The border of the Occidental culture is not my invention. It really existed and exists. Eastern Europeans do not feel themselves to be Occidentals. They are Orthodox, while the rest of Europeans are Catholic-Protestant. They themselves make these differences. This is not my fault. I would be very much in favor of us pulling together with Eastern Europeans the same way we do with ourselves. Of course there is nationality and/or ethnicity. I have never disputed that. But these are also destroyed by the destruction of the greater unity. This greater unity consists of culture and race - as I said: race exists in two forms: biological and cultural; or, as Satyr would now say: genetic and memetic; that is the same thing in other words.


Satyr wrote:

„Race is biological.
Species is biological - genetic, and race, breed, are sub-categories.

Ethnicity and Identity has three factors...
Blood (genetics)
Culture (memetics) - paideia, education, traditions, language.
Actions (will), behaviour...

Body/will/Mind - Platonic psyche.
Body is the foundation.....one is born Indo-European...into a specific tribe, a family of bloodlines.
Language corresponds to this origin, and may be transferred to foreign bloodlines....
Angles and Saxons are tribes...as are Hellenes and Italics and Norse, and celts etc.

Americans. Australians, Canadians, Brazilians are not ethnicities, they are national identities referring to multiethnicities often miscegenated.“ **

Yes, That's how it is.

Satyr wrote:

„I've tried to explore these dynamics in the Genes/Memes thread.“ **

A good thread.


The problem we Occidentals have (already since 1789) - and it is really that only we have it - has to do with decadence, nihilism, degeneration, wanton destruction of everything.

Æon schrieb:

„America is declining the same way Roman Democracy fell—an attempt to integrate too many foreigners into its Civitas. Simply look at Washington DC, today.“ **

That is what I said earlier in two of my posts (but I did not only refer to US-America, but also to Europe, at least to the Occident): ** (**) ** (**)


The genetic race is built in the cells.

The memetic race is built in the mind.

We have several stores of information. Two are within our self: (1) Cells (genetics); (2) mind (memetics). One is outside our self, but invented by our self: (2,1) Language as writing (books and the like), including art and certain other semiotic/linguistic forms. From the writing language we invented later among other things the (2,1,1) programming language for computer and internet, for machines and for our and other living beings’ bodies. Writing and programming languages are external information memories, which are based on cultural (memetic) abilities and applications. The writing and reading of language and their illustration in books etc. in derivation of programming languages and their illustration in computers etc. must be learned.

If you are nationalistic, it is because of your culture, your cultural way of being, which is stored in your mind. It is the culture, the education, the breeding that makes you a nationalist. Just as it is the genes in the cells, so it is the memes here.


Satyr wrote:

„Memes are gene specific and extensions....
They can be transmitted lust as genes can, to alien peoples through intercourse.
Physical (sex) or mental (linguistic).....brains can be fertilized, impregnated ideologically, using semiotics.

(Vereinfachte Darstellung. Dänemark und Italien gar nicht eingezeichnet und das
Ungarische ist keine indogermanische, sondern ein finnisch-ugrische Sprache ...)

Language families show common heritage - common words/symbols are like common DNA sequences.
Indo-European family tree - its memetic extensions, from earthly, subterranean, roots.


Language is like an archeological record....
If we notice they don't accurately map over genetic families....example Finland and its Uralo-Altaic language.
Here we see mental fertilization due to physical domination.

Therefore identity begins with DNA - physical, genetic....then proceeds to mind - language culture, training...and then to will - action, desire, choice...
The sequence is in order of importance.....so, genetic primary (60%-70%), then secondary memetic (10%-20%)...and tertiary choice, will (5%-10%)...
If someone chooses to become European, learns the language and acts in accordance with European ideals, defending and promoting European power, then he still cannot be entirely European - he can be like an adopted child.“ **

Yes, very good. It shows that not only our genetics but also our memetics determine us and thereby limit us.

I have installed the following maps (the first dates from 1600, the second shows the relationships between genes and languages) on my website:


Sprachen und Gene


We and also all other living beings can pass on because we want to preserve ourselves, are conservative, have to be. Otherwise, we will become extinct. We - as living beings - are not able to change our genes in a natural way. Only with the help of our technique (in this case: genetic technique) we can do that. And we are not able to change our memes naturally either, but only culturally and only to a limited extent, because they are phenomena of culture, of the mind. Just as, for example, our technology is a phenomenon of our culture, of our mind. Just as, for example, our technology is a phenomenon of our culture, of our mind. And our technology, in turn, we can use, among other things, to change ourselves genetically as well (but up to what extent?). It is also a cybernetic problem.


When a group of U.S. Americans says that the U.S. is „White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant“ („WASP“), then that is a subjective statement, because it is objectively false. It is probably the case that this WASP group is as small a minority (just as the immigrants from England are a very small minority) as the aristocrats from the Roman Senate were. They always meant only themselves when they spoke of „Rome“ or the „Roman people“ („SPQR“). What is related to the respective people is only rhetoric, which has very little to do with reality. But that is the point: the people should believe that they are represented here and in reality they are just being tricked and exploited.


„The chronic surplus of mobilizations of activities and the progressive triggering of action-moving event streams, which are reflected in objective relics, drive the world relationship and reality experience of the moderns into constantly growing asymmetry.“ (Peter Sloterdijk (ibid, pp. 85 [in the original text **], translated by me).


What about changing the currency from money to intelligence?




